Face Your Fears

- Face Your Fears
The major difference between the successful and the failed is their mindset; and that's because our perception of things determines the outcome and mode of its conception. This means that we can never be bigger than the state of our hearts and minds.
While the successful believes it is possible, the failed says 'it might or might not'. The tale of the Exodus from Egypt teaches us this: when Moses sent 12 different men from 12 different tribes with a bit of genetic differences to spy out Canaan, there was indeed a difference in their reports. Now, note these men never met the inhabitants one on one, neither did they confront them in battle, but from a distance while they reaped the fruits of Canaan, they spied its cities and its people. On their return, all representatives except those from Judah and Ephraim testified of how impossible the set-target is. Though they didn't even try it out, yet they concluded it not feasible. And this is why I believe that the greatest failure is not failing after trying itself, but failing having never tried.
Nevertheless, when Caleb and Joshua heard their report, they countered their report, yet the deed had already been done (Number13 and 14). Just like those men, many of us conclude our 'eventuality' before even our eventual actions. We see the future before the present, but ironically in a pessimistic way. Those men said both in our sight and theirs', we are unfit. I have heard a lot of people speak about how they are so sure that they have failed already. on both ends- that is, whether they do their best or not, they have failed, or when the custodian grades them, they have failed. But today I desire you to be genetically identical to those men of Judah and Ephraim in all ramifications, and trust God more than you fear impossibilities, for impossibility is just a lie we are damned to keep believing if we keep giving in to fear; and if only you can believe that God has given you all wisdom (Proverbs 2:7) as well as all favour (Proverbs 8:35), you would live absent-minded of the worst your fears can do, and conscious-minded of the best God can do. Remember, what doesn't kill you won't kill you except you let it.
Thus, next time an Anak-like situation shows itself from a distance, see it as a camouflage bent to scare you, for there is nothing too great to cause an unending fright in you, for in you is One who parted the dreaded sea of Egypt; and He says that is greater than every other thing there is.
Hence, stay courageous!


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