You Are Blessed!

- You're Blessed!
God has given you all you need to be whom He has said you shall become. Remember, He has blessed you with all spiritual blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). He has loaded you with so great potentials that I believe even nature envies you; for in the same way nature's sun brightens the day, your soon-to-be revealed sunlight shall shine on so many unto liberty (see Matthew 5:16).
For instance, take David for example; how did a sheepboy in less than 13 years gain so much allegiance from every individual on the streets of Israel? God had set all things in order so that David didn't really have to strive. Though times came when he ran for his life, switched personalities to stay alive, begged just to be fed; but in the times of his ever greatest challenges, God stood there fighting for him. And I am sure it felt like a movie to the on-lookers.
When he needed to pull a city down, loyalists were there to do it all on his behalf, all because God had set all things in order, placing in and around him all his destiny needed to be completely fulfilled. In the same way, I believe your rise and mine is not far-fetched, because if He has said it, it means He already had put things in order to achieve it. His favor is already flowing in our direction and soon we would feel its impact. It doesn't matter what seems to be, what He says shall be shall be as long as we remain in par with His ways (see Zechariah 6:15).
Yet sincerely, deep inside of you lies so much beyond all the on-lookers can see, and though now you might appear the 'sheep-boy', but only for a while shall that be, for as you continue to walk with God, the full potentials within shall overwhelm the obscurity without.
Only hold on to one thing, and that's that God has set all things in order, and He has given you all things needed to rise as David from the sheep-boy to the man that sits in the city of Zion. The man who shall be celebrated. The end of the journey isn't farther from where you stand, and so I'll say see you on top!


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