God Will Push You Until You Grow Resilient

- God Will Push You Until You Grow Resilient
One thing I have come to understand is the fact that when you do well, and yet you still don't get the best, keep doing well until you get that best. Most times when failure strikes and hits us down beneath the 'tunnel' of hope, it isn't because God wasn't aware; in fact to be. factual He was, and often times He permits it because He knows that it's not the action (i.e.unexpected blow as a result of the ordeal) that truly matters, but our reaction to that ordeal; as it can be depicted that while action makes a path, reaction chooses which to follow.
Permit me to say this, but I believe God stretches us so as to re-amend our breaking points, because the truth is, if today after one failed attempt there is no zeal to retry, there will never be a zeal tomorrow to press on after 999 failed attempts as Edison encountered. The greater He stretches us, the greater the patience we gain and the greater the need to adopt a resilient attitude. In other words, everything God does is to build capacity in us so that we never get to give up when we need to press on the most.
For instance as well, doesn't it astound you to know that Jesus stretched Peter when He told a man who had spent the night on the waters, in a quest which yielded no fruition, to try again at first light? It should. That ability of Peter to listen and cast the net again was a mystery that helped him to return back to the temple years later even after the Jews had beaten him and John for preaching in the same temple. That resilience to keep keeping on in spite of the challenges faced was the same that kept him moving in harsher days.
So know this, since habits are the result of a persistent character and the final product of whom you've chosen to be, God desires to make that ability to 'keep beating our best' your habit, such that no matter how much men say you've flawed, the only information your spirit can process is a better now than then- which is that zest to break boundaries never reached before.
Thus, like they say it is the honour of God to hide things, and of men to find it; but guess what God's not planning on keeping it hidden any longer, and that's why He's modifying you, so that no matter how deep the 'hide' is, you will keep on digging until you find your shine. So, don't get angry, just keep learning and continue pressing on.
Hence, remember, whenever you do well, and yet you still don't get the best, keep doing well until you get it (Galatians 6:9).


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