Greater Than Morality

- Greater Than Morality
Most times I dare to think of what a perfect human would be like- his aura, his confessions, and his wholesome personality; yet I also know that in the mirror of God's standard, that man wouldn't be as perfect as we think he is. We are but a population with a new identity, which without we would never have escaped the punishment God delivered us from.
And guess what, that identity was given to us in Christ. And so it becomes absurd when we conclude that morality is all there is to stay free from judgement, for even morality on its own could not save society from the hell they were running into. For instance, the Pharisees were moral, so moral that those from the rurals could spot the difference between the normal clique and the Pharisees'; they observed all the law they knew, yet it wasn't what the society of the then Israel needed. It wasn't what Bartimaeus or the hemorrhagic woman needed.
Just as the fish doesn't need a drop of water but a whole ocean, Society needed a means to find completion.....and there they had it in Jesus, who makes us all complete (Colossians 2:10). And that's when it dawned on us that morality wasn't enough to save us all, rather Christianity; not because it has more of the alphabetics, or because it sounds different, but because Christianity represents morality plus Jesus, and it's this Jesus that makes the difference: for while morality keeps you sane, Jesus keeps you saved.
Thus, this goes out to every Christian there is, and would be, your identity in Christ shouldn't be a reason to drown in shame, rather it should be one that keeps you hopeful for impartation, for what society needs is right there within you. I know many of us even myself have flawed in this aspect- that is, fleeing Jesus whenever society's mobs appear, and I hope there's another chance to correct that, because if only we know what we are in Him, we wouldn't fear society, rather we would turn society towards the fear of God.
Hence, do not be ashamed of whom you are, what you have, and whom you carry, and this is because behind your back, society needs you more than it tells you, for if Jesus is the difference, so are you - and that's exactly what society hungers for....a difference maker.... exactly what Christ in you is!


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