Conquering The Ordeal (2)

Every problem encountered by a man has been measured to be his size, regardless how mighty it seems, such that the moment he gets tired of it, he can easily rip it apart. Scriptures say we are tempted only as much as we can bear (1 Cor 10:13). So there you go, your problems are not so big as you thought...okay, they might actually be big, but they are not too big for God, and definitely not big enough for you. Well, that depends on the reaction you choose to impose on it when it comes. For instance, just minutes to the great battle of Ziz, the odds were beginning to disfavour Judah, seeing that the ratio of their warring ranks was 1:3, but inspite of this, Jehoshaphat would seek counsel from God.
First lesson here: No problem is too big for us not to take it back to God in prayer, for in prayer unto God, we find our strength and the weakness of such ordeals before God.
Next, a word from God came to His messenger, and one i believe would have melted the king's heart, and that is...'Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established, believe the prophets, so shall ye prosper' (2 Chro 20:20).
God was teaching that generation and generations to come that the primary step in overcoming all ordeals is to only believe in Him- whether by what He says directly to you, or by what He speaks through the lips of His servants. It is glaring before Him that as humans we'd rather call the cops when danger nears, or the doctor when our health fails, or a tutor when school becomes hard, or a psychologist when love seems to be futile in our lives all the time, not because we don't know He exists, but because we so much trust in tangibility...the seen; but guess what, God is more tangible than all things, though we do not see Him physically, but as Paul said, the unseen is permanent, the seen is temporal (2 Cor 4:18).
The doctor's aid might go a long way, but it doesn't help you conquer death on the long run; the cops may surround your house, but they can't surround your life; the tutor might solve equations too hard for you, but he can't solve equated problems unknown by you; the psychologist might correct your mentality, but he can't fix your heart and soul. The graces of God do all that. His abundance is enough to fix all issues of mankind, to conquer all our problems, not temporarily but on a permanent basis, yet it'r grounded on only a triple set of words- Believe in God. Will you?


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