Overcoming Your Ego

- Overcoming Your Ego
Most times when we get an advice, that egotistic part of us always want to tell us that we are better than what that advice can ever make of us. The truth is, we act this way not because we do not know how rightly the advice shows us the way to get out of our flaws, but because we'd rather stand flawful than kneel to be changed. And with this, I believe that the greatest limit a man has is not in the gifts he doesn't possess, but in the profitless ego he won't let go.
For instance, in one of this series, I centred on the fall of Rehoboam (son of the wisest earthling of his day), which happened not because the solution wasn't at his fingertip, but because he'd rather kick his life away than let himself learn at the feet of others.
The same thing happened to Judas: whom despite being told his tomorrow and the consequence would still go ahead to live the error he had been told would happen; just like a child failing a test despite having the answers written on the chalkboard- all this because of the litter monster Ego.
To many of us, the bigger the ego, the bigger the respect we earn; but while that might be true in part, the bigger our ego, the bigger the things we. miss- friends, opportunities, corrections, and connections. Thus, this is simply a reminder to everyone that while the pencil may be irrevelant to the doctor, it bagged millions when it constructed the monalisa. Nothing and Nobody in life is irrelevant, so whenever the opportunity to sit and learn comes your way, drop the ego and do so; and for that might just take you to where your feet can't reach.
Hence, remain teachable, approachable, less conceited, and more open for better things to enter and stale things to depart.


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