Total Surrender

- Total Surrender
The greatest statement any man can ever have of himself before God is that written of Moses.....'as the Lord commanded him, so did he' (Numbers 17:11). Nothing is so appealing before God than a life of total surrender, because while self-reliance tells God how much you think you don't need Him, total surrender speaks out ''LORD, it's all You''. Many atimes we wonder how Jesus had so much dominion over all things on the earth. While some might say because He was God, it would shock you to know that He worked His way there. How? Let's not forget that on earth, despite being the perfect Word of God, Jesus was in every form human as we are, operating under the ministry of the Son of man. Yet something made Him unique; something distinguished Him from the rest, and that was His nature of absolute surrender. Though He was in the form of God, yet He didn't take advantage of that: but was in every way subject to God.
Scripture says He counted it not robbery to be equal with God....and took upon Him the form of a servant (Phil 2:6-7). Here, we see Jesus teaching us practically by His personal lifestyle that our uniqueness is not hinged on our so-called 'swagged out' human appearance, but on our appearance before God; and before Him we all are either one of these two - Rebels (who always pick theirs' above His) or Sons (who totally surrender in obeisance to the Father's guide). Those He call the goats and His sheep- who know His voice and goes as He leads always.
Furthermore, once it sinks into your understanding that Jesus didn't just adopt the term 'Son' all because He has always been so in heaven, but because He being in total subjection to God depicts what true sonship should look like; something not even Adam could define properly.
Hence, in effect, there is nothing greater than having a resúme in the sight of God where it can be written that as a son all He bidded you, you did; for the primary requisite to be a son is to be led, not by circumstances, not by power, but by His words. So if you must in any wise be like Jesus, then start living like Him- total surrender and total subjection towards God.
Let that be our watchword for this new year.


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