Conquering The Ordeal (1)

Our biggest problems come and stay most especially when we believe we can handle it on our own; yet the simple truth is that not even the most critical thinker or the most effective brain-bug can handle all their problems alone. This Creator-creature alignment is in similitude to the parent-infant relationship. There are so many things the infant could do without the guardian, but there are also a vast number of things that are hinged on his parents which determine his entire welfare. Even the birds and lions show us this - for after they have starved a while, food is provided much easier than they thought it would; something we'd call nature working in their favour, but it is truly God playing the role of the Creator (guardian) to maintain the balance.
Truth is, there are many situations God knows you can handle with your so much acquired skills, but despite this we tend to break when a more grievous one approaches. As to the lion and to every other creature, God is repeating the same words to you. The same words He spoke to Jehoshaphat..'The battle is not yours, but God's (2 Chronicles 20:15).
With all the movies we've watched and books we have read, we tend to want to rush out as Julius Caesar to conquer, but if only as Jehoshaphat, we'll did wait, we'd realize that. the victory is not in the sword, but in the power backing up the sword.
Hence, let's learn to put 0.10% trust on our strength, and more than 99.9% on God's; for this is the victory that overcomes the world (i.e all things), even our faith in God (1 John 5:4).


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