Find Hope In Jesus

- Find Hope In Jesus
Try taking a walk through the city, you'd realize that almost half its population are suffering from depression; both the man in the Porshe as well as the man in the projects. And the very reason why  this occurs is because regardless of all they've accumulated, they still lack the hope of ever being fulfilled. And that's where life actually finds its essence.
Rekindling our hope often times can be the most difficult task to accomplish; and as a result of this fear, we run to the 'shrink' to help us find it back, or simply just wait for some hopeful guy to help push us whenever we feel down. But guess what God thinks: As much as your alternatives are so much of a good idea, God is really enough to keep you going.
One, because He holds the eventual end of your goals and aspirations, and as such your eyes on Him and that goal should spur you always to keep going.
Second, His words. God said '..they that wait upon Him', that's like saying those that hinge the restoration of their hope on Him, 'shall renew their strength like the eagle'.
Have you ever studied the eagle? It never goes where the terrestrial bird can reach it, including when it's been starving for weeks. Despite its weakness, because it becomes aware of what it eagle, it gets this adrenaline rush to continue flapping just so as to remain up high; God is also saying that if only you'd become aware of who you can be in Him, you wouldn't need any energy depot to keep you going, rather just like the eagle, He would keep you going, in hope and in deeds. It also says that 'he shall run and...... not faint' (Isaiah 40:31). Ever wondered why Job wrote 'when men are cast down, thou shall say there is lifting up..'(22:29)? Job wasn't just saying it because Pastor told him so, but because he had experienced it first hand himself, and so can you.
Now note this, whatever anybody tells you without a biblical backup is subject to critical analysis, even if it's from the bishop, but whatever the Scriptures say is forever, because God doesn't lie, and He's not dead. So here's what He's saying to the fellow who can't find any hope, to the fallowed whose expectations have been made limitations, 'Do not be afraid of sudden fear.....for the Lord shall be thy confidence' (Proverbs 3:25-26). I only hope you comply!
 Live Above Fear


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