Your New Identity

- Your New Identity
In Paul's heart-felt letter to the Achaian church, he summarized the effect of Christ's deed on mankind. He revealed our new status before God. You know many have been deceived by the devil into thinking that they are still as hopeless and hapless as they were before they met Jesus. But that isn't what apostle Paul teaches us in that letter, rather he showed us how high the gift of salvation hoisted us in the sight of God; in that it brought us into One's hands, and other things into our hands.
He wrote 'ye are Christ's'- teaching us that the essence of God's sacrifice in Christ isn't just for the purpose that you follow Him, but rather that you follow Him until you begin to walk with Him, and then abide in Him, such that there is no telling as to whether there's a difference between you and Jesus: a process He everly remains patient to see occur.
Furthermore, Paul also wrote 'all are yours': all Christ did for you was enough to provide all you'd ever need, with some change left in fact if viewed as a currency. At His death, He made a full fixed deposit on your behalf, and at His resurrection He gave you ownership of that account to draw as many spiritual blessings as are found in Him who sits in the heavenly places (1 Corinthians 3:22-23). In salvation, He takes you old life, and gives you His so that you can have the advantage in the very presence of the Father.
In other words, You are not just anybody, you are more than that, you own more than that, and I believe you can do more than that. Thus, let this mind be in you, that you are not only the King's own, but you also own what the king owns. Hence, if you haven't begun, begin to claim everything your life lacks that can be found in Him; that is all you need to live the fluorishing life, because what is His is yours. Begin to live as He did, because He dwells in you now both to will and do of His good pleasures. I didn't say that, He did..when He said....'I give unto you the keys of the Kingdom'.
Therefore, Use those keys. It's the very right embedded in your identity in Him.


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