Beating Fear

- Beating Fear
The most greatest impediment to human success is fear; and ironically it goes beyond having only a physical inhibitory effect. Fear tells the man who is new in business how those risks in investment might fall apart. Fear tells the man on the road that the left route has a death hole all because only a few cars tread that path. In. fact, ultimately fear tells you only the worst that can come out of an untested and unanalyzed situation; and this it does best in particular when we choose to live in ignorance of the fact that for every worst there is also a best.
Even Jesus was faced with the trembling feigned quakes of fear. First, on sea when the ship seemed as though it was going to capsize; though the disciples gave in to the reality they could perceive, but Jesus chose to believe in God, and in the best God could do even in the midst of a tidal wave. Then at Gethsemane, it brought to His mind all the horror the cross had awaiting Him that He may give up in faith and succumb to fear, but even when it seemed as if He would, He wouldn't because He knew that despite the omen that God in Him is greater than all.
Now, the same Jesus says to you and I through the letter of Paul that He has not given us the spirit of fear, rather only such as was found in Himself (2 Timothy 1:7), making it imperative that we come to the knowledge of our benefits in God, and begin to live above fear; such that whenever fear brings up the worst possible outcome, by faith we proclaim the best. Fear is like a grasshopper in the forest that makes even the brave to fidget, but when approached does nothing but flee. And walking in faith is how we make it flee. Fear is also like the finger that points out the many dangers you might be in for flipping the coin due the harshness of one side even when there are two sides to a coin. Therefore, don't let it steal the future you could have had before you get it.
Fear has only one agenda, which is to paralyze you until you begin to believe satan more than you do God; but faith heals you, keeps you, and reminds you of how much like Jesus you are.
Hence, live in faith, and not fear!


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