Love Must Be Proven

- Love Must Be Proven
It's funny you know when we humans live life ignorant of the real extremity of the word 'love'. You know it's easier to say it, write about it, even believe it, but all of that doesn't matter if we don't live it. Just imagine I were to actually love someone, certain things would be required from me by such a person; for instance, that I always keep that feeling a memorial in words and in deeds, and if possible give up my being for it. I would be constantly willing to spend and to be spent for its manifestation. At least that's what Jesus did. Now, on this note, we are going to place God and man on trial, and actually see who kept up to their words in this love affair.
Right from Genesis up to Revelation, one thing that never stopped was God's confession of His love for man, despite our unfaithfulness. In words, He said it; in reactions, He showed it when He wouldn't condemn us in the representation of the adulteress (John 8); in death, He revealed it in Christ, when out of His love for you and I He gave up His only begotten (John 3:16). The scripture calls that perfect love: a love that is not afraid to be revealed regardless of the cost. Remember, He commended His love towards us- that is, proved it-when we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8)
So in so many ways God have proven how much He has kept up to His words in this relationship. Next, let's analyze ourselves:
We are so quick to yell 'i love you Lord', but how many times have we left our best to pick His? How many times have it been Lord what do You need, and not Lord I need this? Let me guess, a few or never.
Love is more than just how much we say it, but how much we prove it. Our little unnoticed actions tells how huge our love for God is. Just like Adam, we love Him when the garden is all calm, but when the serpent sneaks in, we fail in love. And this is exactly what Jesus spoke about when to the pharisees He said....'This people honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me' (Mark 7:6). Jesus said "The man who obeys me is he who loves me" (John 14:21)
Thus, let's judge ourselves, do we really love Him? This is not meant to keep you feeling bad, but rather to pick you from our stale dogma to what God calls true love- selflessness and surrender.
Hence, next time before we say we love Him, let's be sure we do also in deeds so that it doesn't just fade away as mere words, but remain as a love affair in motion much more stronger than cinderella could ever imagine; and how can we prove it? Obey Him. How can we show it? Love others. How can we live it? Reflect Christ!


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