
Confidently Await Your Miracle

DAILY VITAMIN  If God can't give you your desired blessing in the 'desert', then He can't give you at all; because that's what makes Him God- doing the unusuals. Based on this premise, i would say that if God can't give you your long awaited spouse even in the 'desert', then He can't give you at all. If He can't give you a job in the 'desert', then He can't give you at all. With God, place or time is not a limitation. John was in the desert yet it couldn't limit him from attaining fame and relevance. Jesus was four days late yet it didn't stop Him from getting Lazarus back to life. God has no limitations; and trust Him He won't let any affect His plan for your life. The Israelites were in the wilderness for two score years, yet it didn't take away their daily bread or sound health, because God was involved. Listen up! God is making Himself involved in your case; and even if you're in the desert of your life presen

Purpose Awaits You

DAILY VITAMIN  I have always wanted to leave something behind in life that could live longer than i can ever do- and i know i will. Isn't that what we call Legacy. Well, we could get legacy achieved from making great music, a great painting or perhaps even a great book. But with time, i have come to understand that, more than anything else, legacy is about living a great life. People remember, not for how long a man lived, but how he lived. Whatever constitutes your life determines how many people will live a life referenced from it; and whether it will be a label for great success or total failure. According to Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, 'Everyone on the face of the earth has a treasure that lies waiting for them'. So, yes you can live a great life here; we were all created to- and it's our responsibility to ensure we keep walking right until we do. And know this: When it comes to living a great life, God is the judge, not men. Men aren't the best judges- l

Never Take The Pride Journey

DAILY VITAMIN  If a man is going to fall down the pecking order in life, you will know. If he's going to bump into a hitch and lose on confrontation, you will know. Every contingency, condition and circumstance have a reactor that initiates it; and even if that's not the man's fault, it always has an alibi that if not taken care of can keep that man in his ruined state. Just like diseases have symptoms, and protein bodies markers, every reaction has an action preceding it; and when it comes to one action that can lead to a possible reaction of a fall from the up side of life, it is Pride. And so if a man will fall from his present glory, with pride engulfing him, he should know it will occur. Solomon said "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (Pro 16:18 NIV). Being rich isn't a sin, being arrogant in it is. God wants us to enjoy the good things of life, but He doesn't want us becoming obsessed with them.... So obsessed that we le

Give Thanks For Where You Are

DAILY VITAMIN  I happened to stumble upon the story of a stonecutter who learnt the hard way that before wishing you are anything more, the key to real progress and contentment is to be first grateful for what you are now. One day while delivering a slab to a merchant, on seeing all the goods in his store, he said "I wish I was a merchant and had such things". Immediately he had his wish. Having become a merchant, on another day, he saw a parade in front of his shop. It was the prince passing by in royal apparel. Then he said "I wish I was a prince". Instantly, he became a prince, until the day the heat of the sun beat down upon him. He said in response, "I wish I was the sun, greater than any man", and he did and was happy, at least not until a cloud came between him and the earth. Then he said "I wish I was the cloud". Again his wish was granted, and he rained down on the earth. He was happy until he flowed to a mountain, but the mount would n

Honesty Pays

DAILY VITAMIN  Honesty is not only a scriptural virtue but, like they say, the best policy in life. Now or later, anyone who indulges in any opposite entanglements will weave a web of deceit that will produce his own destruction. The Bible states that, "Be not deceived; God cannot be mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap" (Gal 6:7). In situations like this when the web is already spurn, the only way to overcome it is to concentrate on truth and honesty, engaging in it wholeheartedly until you fight your way out of web of self damnation. Jesus taught us that "the truth will [always] set you free"....and that's why no matter who we are, without committing ourselves to honesty, we will always feel like we're living a facade of the life we seek. Every time we lie or cheat, it becomes easier to continue downhill - and the next temptation that comes will surely win against us big time as a result. It's easier to go downwards- you can roll

Believe Your Way Into The Reality Of Your Dreams

DAILY VITAMIN  Have you ever noticed sometimes how the prospect of achieving your aspirations seem so bleak with everything stale happening around you presently as you try to project its feasibility? Well, almost everybody who is-or will be-somebody has. Dreams are like seedlings. We put them in the ground and water them, not knowing if the earth will make a ruin of it, cease its growth and add to our loss, or the positive opposite. However, at more times than never, a pretty tree is borne eventually. So, what's the secret that made the tree come alive? Constant watering in the absence of hope. We may have had our doubts that propagation could occur seeing the cracked lines on the pastureless earth surrounding us, yet we keep watering the spot we laid it- not knowing if a shift on the earth's vault has occurred. With expectant anticipation, we just keep watering until its first sprout unto visible sight. Well, what do you think kept the planter going? Joblessness? No. Too much

God Cares

DAILY VITAMIN  God is not called the God of comforts for nothing. Not only does He love us so much that He makes Himself a standby to assist us, He has given us the quickest way to engage Him into helping us. In James 5:13, He clearly says that every man in trouble can find a solution to his crisis in prayer. In verse 15, He also suggests that this action can even save the life of those with impaired health situations, and lift up those barred to be bedridden forever. To some, these words may not be enough to convince them that it could work, but notice what He said in John 14:14- whatever you ask in prayer in His name, He will do. And also in Proverbs 15:29; He promises to hear the prayers of His people. So you can always bank on praying to God to get you out of that unpleasant situation you are pinned down to. First John 5:14 gives us a boost in the assurance that we will not only be heard, but helped as well. Thus, take it all to Him in prayer. Take that addiction you're trying

Knowing God Is A Gift

DAILY VITAMIN - Knowing God Is A Gift  There is a God that open doors, and He is my God- your God. The heart of a king is in the hands of God, and He turns it towards whomever He wills. He rules on the earth as king, and let us live as princes, giving it even to the basest of with nothing deserving of it. With words like these, how can I ever feel strangled in life. You see, the difference between me and the atheist is that while he thinks he is his own last line of defense, and so when he feels incapacitated, he gets depressed, despoiled, and dejected; but my-as well as your-last line of defense is God. And even when at times we feel incapacitated, which we will, we are confident that we got a God who's got us. The knowledge of a God who cares for you is enough to make a dark day seem bright. Knowing that a God who loves you more than your dad ever could exists makes you want to live more even when life gives you nothing to live for. It's your silver lining in the

At The Center Of It All Is Jesus

DAILY VITAMIN  Everything in the word of God points to one man- Jesus. The whole Bible is centered on Him; and unless you understand this, there are certain things that may yet remain unexplored by you in Him, because as it is, no man fully gets what he has not fully comprehended. Let's take an instance of His similitude through the story of Joseph. Joseph was loved by His father, Jesus is loved by His. Joseph was hated by his brothers and sold by them, Jesus was hated by His own and sold by His familiar. Joseph was falsely accused by an entity of authority, Jesus was too. Joseph was thrown into the dungeon, Jesus was placed in the grave. Joseph was brought out of prison, Jesus resurrected. Joseph was placed on the throne, Jesus ascended into glory and reigns as King. Joseph was given a Gentile wife, Jesus was given the church. Joseph saved his nation, Jesus will save you. All of the word speaks of Him with different scenes and stories. Suprisingly, even our lives are meant to spe

Faith Gives You Peace

DAILY VITAMIN  Does it ever feel like things are hard, and unable to pass into a part of the story where everthing turns out to be alright for you. Well, if yes, I admonish you to take condolence in these words. They have been helpful to me, to many others, and so i know they will to you. Long before any of us were born, God wrote these words. Long before our trials even existed, He placed these words in record to assure us of our existence in His plan of sustenance. He said, regardless of what we may be passing through, or may have to, "I lay in Zion a stumblingstone and a rock of offenc: and whosoever believes on Him shall not be put to shame" (Rom 9:33, Isa 28:16). I don't know how burdensome your situation is, but God knows; and He says just believe in Me and you won't see shame despite how near the problem is closing up on yoou. I have been down many times before, and even though my worries failed me, nor my bright plans, my decision to trust God for all He prom

You Are Richly Secured In Christ

DAILY VITAMIN - You Are Richly Secured In Christ The Bible tells us that the path of the just shines brighter unto the perfect day(Pro 4:18). The word just used is synonymous to the word righteous, which we are in Christ. And we know the Word of God cannot lie; for His promises are yes and amen(2 Cor 1:24). It is a hard thing for me to understand that some folks still don't believe that God exists. How can such a Lord who preempts time and all forms of history be placed away from the equation? In fact, His existence-and yes sovereignty-is the reason why we have hope and unabated confidence that all things are working for our good. And except we live in this consciousness, receiving such goodwill may be impossible; "for they that come to Him must believe that He exists and is a rewarder.."(Heb 11:6). Let's look at how David lived: he said "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. [For this reason] The lines are fallen u

Our Choices Make Us Before God

DAILY VITAMIN  Can promises be altered? Yes. Can rewards be withdrawn? Of course. Our daily lives in society shows this to be true. Just as a client can cancel the contract one has been yearning for at the eleventh hour due to some discrepancies, or a medal can be consficated once the bearer has been found a cheat; in the same way even as it relates to our relationship with God, many have failed when they were just an inch to their desired miracle. God is a principled Personality whose every promise carries a condition with it. In Deut 28, it states that God will make a man the head-above, and not the tail-beneath, IF he carefully heeds and observes all He commands him to do (vs 13). At every point in scripture, and in our routinal walk with Infinite Intelligence (God), we'd come to realize that only continuity with Him assures our compensation. The IF always stands. Well, you might say that that's old news, and that it doesn't affect you since you've invested so much

Dreams Are Mere Pictures Without Action

DAILY VITAMIN  A Chinese proverb states that "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. But I do and then I truly understand". You can never really underestimate the power of doing. The bridge between a dream and its realities is the verb -'Do'; and it constitutes every action you need to take to give substance to your dream. Do you want a dream job? Unless you do apply for one first, you may never get it. The blessings of any endeavor comes in the doing. Dreaming about the expected results and being optimistic may create a conducive environment to facilitate your achieving it, but only by doing do you truly achieve the desired result. You can look a tree and desire the fruits it bear, but until you do something to pluck some of it down, the odds are that you may have to wait a longer time than is necessary to taste of its sweet content. When a miracle was desperately needed at Cana, the stewards weren't just told to believe whatever He told them to do; rather i

You Have All It Takes To Be All God Created You To Be

DAILY VITAMIN   You have everything you need to fulfil destiny within you. Look at the man-made devices we use today, a phone pack comes with all its accessories; a television set comes with its remote controller. In the same way, in creating us, God placed within us all we'd ever need to make accomplishment of our purpose easy and more attainable. You are a complete set. The Bible says you are complete in Him (Col 2.10). You are God's best version of you when you are in Him, you just have to find that you and let him express himself. So listen up: You are not halfbaked or not good enough to actualize your goal, you are as good as you believe you are. God knows He made you good, you just have to attain the same state of mind, because only what you think can hinder what you can and can't do. God, speaking to Jeremiah, said "Before you were formed in thy mother's womb, I ordained thee a prophet" (Jer 1:5). Decide to see the unseen treasures within you only God

Grudges only take you down

DAILY VITAMIN   Sometimes, the singular reason why a lot of people still remain where their contemporaries mock them to be is because they never get to grow above the grudge they keep when insulted. A grudge is like carrying a rock in order to punish someone else: You're hoping to cast it to them, but then realize that it's so heavy that it crushes you instead. No one ever really prospered God's way carrying a grudge. This is because bearing grudges make us less of God and more of the devil; for while God is quick to forgive (1 John 1:9), the devil keeps a grudge throughout generations (Rev 12:4-6,12-17). Furthermore, the scripture shows us another benefit of relieving ourselves of grudges- which is that it paves a way for our resurgence in life again. You want to live above the mark set for you in your peers' constant mockery? Drop the grudge. Free your mind, and release your heart to accommodate our God's life-giving words with love for all He calls you to love.

We Are Never On The Disadvantage With God

DAILY VITAMIN - We Are Never On The Disadvantage With God It would be very appalling to find believers fretting when under given circumstances. I'm not exempting myself from this; but you see the knowledge of God reveals to us that no matter the circumstance, we are never at a disadvantage. You see, with God circumstances don't matter. The Scripture tells us that as we are filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and understanding, we walk worthy of Him, being Fruitful and strengthened with all might (Col 1:9-11). In fact, the knowledge of God we have puts us at an advantage. It is the true strength of the believer to break down all defenses of impossibility. In the book of Ezra, we are told of how the people of Judah struggled despite having permission to build the temple. They struggled because they had adversaries from the apex of political power. Just like Paul wrote, a great and effectual door was opened, but the resistance increased. The political juggernaut

Praises Give You Wings

DAILY VITAMIN   God is always willing to answer all our petitions. He loves us that much. He even went ahead to say whatsoever you ask in my name shall be given unto you (John 14:14). However, one thing you must know is that before you present your case to God, you must present your praise to Him. Scripture says "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise" (Ps 100:4). Thanksgiving is the first evidence of answered prayers. If you can believe it enough to thank God for it, then you have believed enough to receive it. Culminate the year with an overflow of supernatural benefits- and praising God can do that. According to Psalm 149:6, praising God with songs is equivalent to a sword in your hand to bring down every adversary. If you want to end this year high above your usual, then you have to find a way by all means to activate your praise mode. This holiday period should be a period of thanksgiving. Forget what our holiday calendar says, every day is a day o

Your Right Believing Can Change Your Life For Good

DAILY VITAMIN - Your Right Believing Can Change Your Life For Good  There is power in right believing. In fact, until we become so conscious of a thought or desire that we can somewhat just grasp it out of the unseen  into reality, its chances of becoming is lessened. Right believing gives a man the audacity to speak what seems unthinkable to ordinary men. A lot of people may perceive this exuded boldness as cocky or proud, but such confidence has iota of attachment to being cocky or loud. It is not even just a personality style. It comes from an unmeallable consciousness, that is, as seen already in your heart. This confidence comes from the unwavering trust that you are God's unique and important creation made for not just good, but also for beyond better. Some people may pretend to have this, but if you don't have it, you don't because its effects speak expressly in our lives. In Pro 18:20-21, we'd understand that what we say determine what we eat. And since what p

Your Miracle Is Within Your Grip

DAILY VITAMIN - Your Miracle Is Within Your Grip  I want you to look at your Bible, hold it up infact; and i want you to say this with me : 'My miracle is in this book; once i've found it, i've got it'. Amen. Are you so sick and bedridden that you think that's the last place you're going to spend your life? Well, you're not the first in that condition; and so you shouldn't be the first to think it is over for you. Jesus went to Peter's house, and He saw his mother-in-law ill with a terrible fever. Possibly the I.V and oral medications weren't even effective or what have you, because she was too weak to even say hello. But Jesus held her, and said 'rise up'; and all of a sudden she was revitalized, and came back to normalcy. Her testimony can be ours even today; you know why? Because He took up our infirmities, and bore our diseases (Matt 8:17). Once again i want to take a quick look at that book you just held and say 'My miracle is

Dedication: The Best Way To Glorification

DAILY VITAMIN - Dedication: The Best Way To Glorification  More than anything, life shows us that the glorified ones are more often than never the dedicated ones. You pull up the most hours at the office to do a splendid job, and in return your boss rewards with corresponding accolades. Now, if dedication to a man's affair can get you a glimpse of glory, then dedication to God should get you the real deal.  If there's anything God desires from His people, it is sincerity and dedication to His Person. It is God's platform for uplifting His children; and so if we desire some sort of glorification the average man can't access, then we must give place to dedication in our walk with God. For example, we'd realize that the greatest glory Moses ever experienced came through this. Now, he was under the law, and so if he could, how much more us who are the products of His revealed grace in Christ? In Exodus 34, the Bible records the words of God to Moses as "and be r