Confidently Await Your Miracle

 If God can't give you your desired blessing in the 'desert', then He can't give you at all; because that's what makes Him God- doing the unusuals. Based on this premise, i would say that if God can't give you your long awaited spouse even in the 'desert', then He can't give you at all. If He can't give you a job in the 'desert', then He can't give you at all. With God, place or time is not a limitation. John was in the desert yet it couldn't limit him from attaining fame and relevance. Jesus was four days late yet it didn't stop Him from getting Lazarus back to life. God has no limitations; and trust Him He won't let any affect His plan for your life. The Israelites were in the wilderness for two score years, yet it didn't take away their daily bread or sound health, because God was involved. Listen up! God is making Himself involved in your case; and even if you're in the desert of your life presently, He won't let relevance and fulfilment of destiny pass you by. Even if you're four days late, He can make an exemption out of you. This is the truth about the ultimate power of God. All you have to do is trust Him wholeheartedly. Psalm 34:22 says "...none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned". So cheer up, you can't end this journey of yours in shame. If you trust God and keep walking with Him even in that desert, He will create a bridge out of that fellowship to your personal palace. So, yes, you're going to walk out of that addiction, that shortchanged status, that unfruitfulness because you trust God, and they that trust in Him cannot be put to shame. Therefore, congratulations in advance, because out of that desert of yours shall walk out a Miracle ready to be manifested- and that's you.


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