God Cares

 God is not called the God of comforts for nothing. Not only does He love us so much that He makes Himself a standby to assist us, He has given us the quickest way to engage Him into helping us. In James 5:13, He clearly says that every man in trouble can find a solution to his crisis in prayer. In verse 15, He also suggests that this action can even save the life of those with impaired health situations, and lift up those barred to be bedridden forever. To some, these words may not be enough to convince them that it could work, but notice what He said in John 14:14- whatever you ask in prayer in His name, He will do. And also in Proverbs 15:29; He promises to hear the prayers of His people. So you can always bank on praying to God to get you out of that unpleasant situation you are pinned down to. First John 5:14 gives us a boost in the assurance that we will not only be heard, but helped as well. Thus, take it all to Him in prayer. Take that addiction you're trying to break to Him. Take that relative of yours in ICU to Him in prayer. Take that unjust treatment you receive from those around you to Him; because as long as you are His righteousness through Christ, your prayer always will avail much. And if there's one thing i've learnt, it is that God is someone you can talk to; but more than anything else, He is someone with a heart out to help you in your most difficult moments. Hence, don't slack, whatever you can not achieve with your hands and feet, you can always get done on your knees. Go to Him all the time in prayer.


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