Our Choices Make Us Before God

 Can promises be altered? Yes. Can rewards be withdrawn? Of course. Our daily lives in society shows this to be true. Just as a client can cancel the contract one has been yearning for at the eleventh hour due to some discrepancies, or a medal can be consficated once the bearer has been found a cheat; in the same way even as it relates to our relationship with God, many have failed when they were just an inch to their desired miracle. God is a principled Personality whose every promise carries a condition with it. In Deut 28, it states that God will make a man the head-above, and not the tail-beneath, IF he carefully heeds and observes all He commands him to do (vs 13). At every point in scripture, and in our routinal walk with Infinite Intelligence (God), we'd come to realize that only continuity with Him assures our compensation. The IF always stands. Well, you might say that that's old news, and that it doesn't affect you since you've invested so much in God for a single altercation to just ruin it all. In response to such claims, you can ask Adam how a one minute rebellion ruin a whole generational plan. Speaking to Jeremiah, He said, If I speak concerning a nation to build and plant it, and it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it (Jer 18:9-10). The simple message here is that never at any time believe that the misdeeds we commit against God doesn't rub off something good from us. Yes, God is loving and merciful, yet every action carries a corresponding consequence. Remember, every promise carries an IF- a condition; and as a result only a sincere continuity with God really draw down its actual manifestation. Seek grace to oblige to His demands in prayers, but more importantly groom the intention to always obey Him unconditionally. This is not meant to judge anyone, but rather to implore all that standing right and standing strong in God is the only real magic that eventually makes us wonders to our respective worlds. Once again, i can only hope you choose to stand and live right today!


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