At The Center Of It All Is Jesus

 Everything in the word of God points to one man- Jesus. The whole Bible is centered on Him; and unless you understand this, there are certain things that may yet remain unexplored by you in Him, because as it is, no man fully gets what he has not fully comprehended. Let's take an instance of His similitude through the story of Joseph. Joseph was loved by His father, Jesus is loved by His. Joseph was hated by his brothers and sold by them, Jesus was hated by His own and sold by His familiar. Joseph was falsely accused by an entity of authority, Jesus was too. Joseph was thrown into the dungeon, Jesus was placed in the grave. Joseph was brought out of prison, Jesus resurrected. Joseph was placed on the throne, Jesus ascended into glory and reigns as King. Joseph was given a Gentile wife, Jesus was given the church. Joseph saved his nation, Jesus will save you. All of the word speaks of Him with different scenes and stories. Suprisingly, even our lives are meant to speak of Him (Phil 1:27), because He desires to be heard and seen through and in you.
If the life of the ancient exemplified Jesus and our lives are meant to reflect Jesus; it means that not only is He the center of it all, but that if He was glorified as they were too, we are destined for our very own glorification. So, get excited. But first, just like the sun is the center of the universe, He must become the center of our personal universe. Remember, you cannot eat from the Lord's table and the devil's table at the same time, you will choke. So, center your life on Him whom you were created to represent; and once you've done this, your life will become a distinct revelation of His person to all around you and a glorification to those watching you. Work your way out of darkness into the light. Out of gloom and into glory, by making of your life a reflection of Jesus'. Once you've found the light, a place awaits you. Remember, in the immortal words of King David, He has prepared a "table"[of glory] for you in the presence of those who vie against you. Note, no one can fill that place until you have for yourself worked out this understanding, until you are ready for His given opportunity. Hence, take that opportunity and center your life on Him.


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