Dedication: The Best Way To Glorification

- Dedication: The Best Way To Glorification
 More than anything, life shows us that the glorified ones are more often than never the dedicated ones. You pull up the most hours at the office to do a splendid job, and in return your boss rewards with corresponding accolades. Now, if dedication to a man's affair can get you a glimpse of glory, then dedication to God should get you the real deal.
 If there's anything God desires from His people, it is sincerity and dedication to His Person. It is God's platform for uplifting His children; and so if we desire some sort of glorification the average man can't access, then we must give place to dedication in our walk with God. For example, we'd realize that the greatest glory Moses ever experienced came through this. Now, he was under the law, and so if he could, how much more us who are the products of His revealed grace in Christ? In Exodus 34, the Bible records the words of God to Moses as "and be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and present thyself there to Me in the top of the mount." (vs 2). As he abided by it, we see the revelation of what he received through it. As a result, God said "Behold I make a covenant: before all thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou art shall see the work of the LORD: for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee... And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him" (vs 10,30).
Dedication distinguishes the dedicated. Infact, John Calvin said "We are consecrated and dedicated to God; therefore, we may not hereafter think, speak, meditate or do anything but with a view to His glory. We are God’s; to Him, therefore, let us live and die". Before dedicated to God leaves you decorated before the world. Abraham was called as one man and he never hesitated to give God all he was, and God blessed him to the point that the whole world want to be affiliated to his person, because he represents a figure of eternal blessings (Isa 51:2). So here's what you should know: Jesus wants all of you. He wants you to be sold out to Him and His use first. Remember, in all your ways, acknowledge Him (put Him first) and He shall direct your path. To where? Glorification; for he that loses his will for my sake shall in this world have manifold returns, and in the world to come, life without end (Mark 10:30).


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