Purpose Awaits You

 I have always wanted to leave something behind in life that could live longer than i can ever do- and i know i will. Isn't that what we call Legacy. Well, we could get legacy achieved from making great music, a great painting or perhaps even a great book. But with time, i have come to understand that, more than anything else, legacy is about living a great life. People remember, not for how long a man lived, but how he lived. Whatever constitutes your life determines how many people will live a life referenced from it; and whether it will be a label for great success or total failure. According to Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, 'Everyone on the face of the earth has a treasure that lies waiting for them'. So, yes you can live a great life here; we were all created to- and it's our responsibility to ensure we keep walking right until we do. And know this: When it comes to living a great life, God is the judge, not men. Men aren't the best judges- life shows us this when you see the funeral of an unhidden cruel fellow celebrated as a call to glory. So, in your attempts to live a life worth retaining in the memories of men, make sure it's God you're bent on pleasing foremostly. Abraham pleased God, and today the whole families of the earth are blessed and remembered by Him. A great and lasting legacy is a gift only God can give; and He gives this to those He counts as righteous, and assures it by constantly remaining in their generation to make of it all He promised it would be (Ps 14:5, 22:30). Hence, here we go: As simply as i can put it; if you want a life generations will find hard to forget, live the life God's written down for you to. He knows how this whole movie of life ends. Follow His script of it, and you will end your part as glorious as He's planned it in Christ on your behalf. Thus, Make the present count, live for the future and create indelible legacies that would play on the minds of generations to come.


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