Never Take The Pride Journey

 If a man is going to fall down the pecking order in life, you will know. If he's going to bump into a hitch and lose on confrontation, you will know. Every contingency, condition and circumstance have a reactor that initiates it; and even if that's not the man's fault, it always has an alibi that if not taken care of can keep that man in his ruined state. Just like diseases have symptoms, and protein bodies markers, every reaction has an action preceding it; and when it comes to one action that can lead to a possible reaction of a fall from the up side of life, it is Pride. And so if a man will fall from his present glory, with pride engulfing him, he should know it will occur. Solomon said "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (Pro 16:18 NIV). Being rich isn't a sin, being arrogant in it is. God wants us to enjoy the good things of life, but He doesn't want us becoming obsessed with them.... So obsessed that we let them eclipse Him out of our lives. Most times, unless we are careful enough to live as God calls us, we end up promoting the detestable progression from poverty to pride- Scenes of how the humble man becomes rich and forgets God, and the faithful poor man becomes the proud rich man. Well, you may say that that's got nothing to do with you; but know this: Everytime you refuse to live a life subjective to God's own will, you get the red warning signal on pride. Everytime you seem to forget that before it's your property, it's God's, pride reveals itself again. So, what do we do? To stay prosperous David had a secret. He said "Even in my prosperity i will not be moved" (Ps 30:6). Until we learn to act in the same reverential manner towards God both in riches and penury, nothing we have is really secured. Until we can actually stand unmovable against the temptation to become arrogant when we are up, there's still a big chance a ladder remains to take us down. Always remember that all we own and will ever own comes from God; so instead to putting up a proud attitude in your everyday life, live with a grateful heart, and in complete reliance on God. Note, blessed [always] is the man who puts his trust in the LORD- regardless of how much physical security he has. So to stay up, let your back lean not on your bank account's fatness, nor on your laurels or possible bright future, but on Him who dwells 'up there'. Hence, there you go, drop the pride, and take a ride of absolute trust in God for a hitch-free encounter with the ever progressive side of life.
 "Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain  riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share" (1 Tim 6:17-18)


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