Your Miracle Is Within Your Grip

- Your Miracle Is Within Your Grip
 I want you to look at your Bible, hold it up infact; and i want you to say this with me : 'My miracle is in this book; once i've found it, i've got it'. Amen. Are you so sick and bedridden that you think that's the last place you're going to spend your life? Well, you're not the first in that condition; and so you shouldn't be the first to think it is over for you. Jesus went to Peter's house, and He saw his mother-in-law ill with a terrible fever. Possibly the I.V and oral medications weren't even effective or what have you, because she was too weak to even say hello. But Jesus held her, and said 'rise up'; and all of a sudden she was revitalized, and came back to normalcy. Her testimony can be ours even today; you know why? Because He took up our infirmities, and bore our diseases (Matt 8:17). Once again i want to take a quick look at that book you just held and say 'My miracle is in you; once i find it, i've got it'. There is nothing a man can ever pass through that God hasn't solved before, and the scriptures bear records of it all. Don't let the devil deceive you into thinking that your situation is unique to you and for you. There's nothing new under the sun, and there's nothing God can't fix. Infact, He already fixed it all. Through Jesus, He fixed it all. Scripture says "How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our conscience from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the Living God. For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance- now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant" (Heb 9:14-15). It has already been given- your healing, forgiveness, your miracle, your redemption, your favour, everything you'd ever need, all you have to do is simply believe and receive it. Remember, what you believe you accept, and whatever you accept you are licensed to become. Hence, don't accept the devil's testimony concerning you; accept God's. And God says that you are for signs and wonders (Isa 8:18); and that when you search for [it in] Him heartily, you will find [it in] Him (Jer 29:13). Thus, once more, take up your Bible, and with utmost zest, say "My miracle is in scripture; once i've found it, i've got it". Praise God.


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