
Renewed (1)

DAILY VITAMIN - Renewed I Even as Christians, most times we fail to realize how conformed to the world we have become. Regardless of our religious displays and piety, we often times fail to exemplify Christ. Many a person who claim to be like Jesus live lives that depict that they had never known Him. This should be important to us all because it is more than just knowing that reveals Christ in us; how we live shows the perfect picture. Furthermore, it is custom for the world to embrace those who follow it, and dispose those who challenge it; but what did Jesus do? He came to save the sinner (those who challenge God's authority) (Mark 2:17). What I am trying to imply by this: we fail to realize that the purpose of Christianity is to save as many as possible before the harvest comes, not to discard the unsaved. In fact, it would be absurd for the labourer to discard a grain no matter how bad he thinks it looks without the Master giving the order, even Jesus in His parable spoke a...

He's With You Always

DAILY VITAMIN Our deepest fear as men, and the reason why most of us strive for success is because we believe that when the goods are all gone, everyone would desert us. And so for this reason, we detest trying periods because they make us feel like we have no essence anymore. While this may seem true, it isn't actually true. Many a person fear trials not because it makes them any worse than they are, but because it makes them feel worse than they are. That sense of uncertainty in the value of their identity is the real reason why men would do anything to appease the judgment of others in their everyday life. Though this is true that men may, in fact will, desert you when you are at your weakest moment, but God says He won't. He says your old age, He will carry you, and even when you are hoary headed, He will carry you (Isaiah 46:4). That simply connote that when the 'new' in your life seems to fade out on physical sight, though men may leave, but God is still t...

Getting Your Priorities Right

DAILY VITAMIN Almost half of the world's population define priority, by their lifestyle, as what they yearn to possess, and what they want, instead of as what they really need; and that's why many of us fail to get priority right until there's a reality of Genesis 1:2 in our lives- that is when all our lives entail is a void too thick to accommodate, an emptiness too deep to overcome and and a dark oblivious vacuum of non-fulfillment. God wants you to see something today; and that is not only how much you need Him, but how much you should need Him. Jesus, when He found Zacchaeus, revealed to us the simple connotation of that scripture that our lives do not consist of the things we possess when He showed us using Zacchaeus that not even wealth can save us from the true troubles of this life, nor from the atomic wars of this earth, neither from the consistent furious rage of the evil one; in that Zacchaeus never was so assured of the term ''salvation'' despi...

Fix Your Intentions

DAILY VITAMIN One principal thing every man must know is that God judges our intentions in the same degree He does our actions. He says He examines our reins (thoughts and deeds) to give to us as we deserve (Jeremiah 17:10). Often times due to the extent of our religious and moral piety, we fail to realize how similar we are to those we severely work against God's word all because we are not seen doing the things we have accomplished cynically in the deepest room of our minds. Jesus, while teaching the congregation, showed us that the man with the wrong actions is not the only one with a case to settle with God, but also he with the wrong intentions. Remember, He didn't just define adultery as an act, but first as a thought- a motive. So, while actions hold great impact on our lives, intentions hold much greater effect. Many a times, we don't do things not because we can't, but because we lack opportunity- be it good or bad. For instance, when you study Paul's let...

Winning Your Mind Over To God

DAILY VITAMIN When speaking to the Philippian church, Paul wrote about the ideal things a Christian engage as a lifestyle- the culture he should adopt in mind; and you would also notice that he didn't bother to write that we do these things but to think on these things (4:8). This he did I believe because he knew just as we must that intentions are the birthing ground of all actions. Even in the scripture, a similitude of this knowledge was revealed when it stated that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Before actions come forth, there must have been a willingness and an imagination to do so; and these invariably always begin in the mind of a man. It's like a seed: before it comes forth as a tree, there must be a sowing, a watering and then a tending; and so our actions are the results of the thoughts nurtured within us. Little wonder why we are advised to renew our mind - our mentality, priority, intentions and imaginations, because we are the very image ...

Better Days On The Wings of Trust

DAILY VITAMIN Better Days On The Wings Of Trust The key to a renowned life is not just the acquisition of stupendous achievements, but your ability to look away from the problems and focus on the solution. People remember you not just for the gettings you acquire, but also for the lessons you left behind to be learned from. Not what you have, but what you have done is always the subject matter in the mouth of all concerning you. Jesus, while speaking to the soon to be pioneers of the church in John 14:1, said "Let not your heart be troubled.......believe also in Me". The troubles will always come, because from the day Adam fell, he chose to share this world with the father of all chaos- the devil (Note: Christ redeemed the 'man', and not the 'world'); and though Jesus knew this, it didn't bother Him, because He knows that a man with his eyes fixed on God amidst these issues is safer than the experienced sailor with all hands on deck in the deep blue sea...

Words You Should Cherish (3)

DAILY VITAMIN -WORDS YOU SHOULD CHERISH III In the last two notes, we see that David's heart at the moment he wrote the 23rd psalm had become much more clearer to us. And in the last three verses, David took time to reflect on his words in the first three, and proclaimed what he had gathered in his spirit to now believe. First, he spoke about victory over death as far as God was with him; for in life and after life, our most true comfort can only come in the presence of God. He spoke of how nothing was worthy of his fears than the Most High God, and with Him by his side, who and what else should make him frightened? (see Psalm 118:6) Second, he spoke about victory over the enemy, as far as the Lord was his God. Little wonder why he dined before Saul and Achish, and yet still stood without fear, evading out in pure victory from both circuits. He knew that with beside him, the enemy had no chance against him. David understood his place of victory in the Lord, and I hope you can t...

Words You Should Cherish (2)

DAILY VITAMIN - WORDS YOU SHOULD CHERISH II Despite all we saw in God's words to David, He still wasn't done with him. In verse 2, it reveals that even in the green field where the venomous asps dwell beneath the grasses, the crawlers with their stings abide, and the hoppers scavenge on the crops cultivated, God is the source of that peace which would enable us to live without being moved - a peace that passes all understanding and human comprehension (Philippians 4:7). He says He makes us lie safely in the pasture lands. Remember,  it is only the Lord that makes the lion, the ass and the man to dwell without bloodshed (1 Kings 13:24-28). And so He is saying that no matter how rough life may seem for others, He's always going to be there to ensure He has you safe and sound. Furthermore, like the disciples experienced, with Jesus actively on the ship, the raging seas were called unto stillness. When Isaiah wrote about God being with us in the water (Isaiah 43:2), he didn...

Words You Should Cherish (1)

DAILY VITAMIN - WORDS YOU SHOULD CHERISH I The 23rd Psalm I believe should be enough for you to realize how much God should be enough for you. David in the first 3 verses gave reasons for his confidence in God, and in the last 3, he bolstered it with proclamations that he believed God's promises had made reality to him. And in the coming days, we'd take a deeper look into each of these verses to see all David learned to understand, and as a result experienced the great manifestations of God he enjoyed. In verse 1, he described God as a Shepherd. He said He is my shepherd, so I have everything I need. You see, the LORD keeps us with all of His attention fixed on us as a shepherd does his sheep. The shepherd may not have enough for himself, but he always fends for his sheep, because without the flock, his duty is not sealed and complete. He rejoices over the welfare of his sheep, and finds fulfillment in ensuring that they have no reason to be in need; and thus cannot be seen ...

Do Better Than Lot

DAILY VITAMIN While man's quest for comfort has made many things good, his sensual love for ease has destroyed the fulfillment of many great desires that God had for man. For instance, God took the time to go find out Lot from Sodom- the same Lot who out of his love for ease picked the city of Sodom which was soon to be destroyed because it had all the springs a man could lust after (Genesis 13:10), and even after this Lot would not learn. He wouldn't come to the understanding that whilst our ways may seem pleasurable, only God's ways truly holds the pastures we seek. First, in verse 21 of Genesis 19, when the angel bidded him to depart from Sodom to the mountain, he argued to go to the city of Zoar, obtaining God's permissive will to depart. Guess what: It ended up all wrong for him, because it is recorded that when he got to Zoar, he departed to the mountain (vs 30). Why did he depart the same place he chose to where God had initially told him to go to? He realized ...

Unlimited Faith

DAILY VITAMIN One thing i have learned to accept over the years is that 'God can do all things; in fact ''anything'', ''everything'' and all things as they be. You know, most times, we specifically catalogue some things under ''God can do this'', and some others under ''Leave God alone, it's already not possible''; but guess what, there's nothing too difficult for God (Jeremiah 32:27), even that which we term impossible. So God is only as powerless as we make Him, and as powerful as we make Him. If we say He can't do a thing, we limit His power to act; and remember Jesus couldn't do much in his hometown because of their disbelief. Hence, all that is required from us is that we release our faith to trust and believe that God can do all He says He would. From scripture, we can see three characters who realized this incredible truth. First, the woman with the issue of blood had no reason to believe the C...

What Real Friends Do

DAILY VITAMIN One attribute of true friendship that is also urgently needed in the ever increasing number of supposed unions nowadays is the virtue of selflessness; and that was exactly what Jesus showed us while on earth. Remember, He said that greater love is revealed in and through us when we begin to love each other as much as we love ourselves, and even more. In addition to everything Jesus taught us, the story of David and Jonathan releases unto us the principles of true friendship: First, a good friend is concerned about what is needed, and not just what is wanted. Jonathan knew every man in his father's cabinet including Saul himself wanted him to be his successor, even after Samuel plainly revealed unto them the will of God; but despite the pleasure of kingship, Jonathan would decide to go with what was needed both by God and man by accepting David as king even when it would be to his own hurt and loss (1 Samuel 23:17). Similarly, when as a friend, you're all about ...

Desist From Rash Decisions

DAILY VITAMIN Decisions made out of anger or envy are not only self destructive, but they also affect the attitude of those we seem not to desire their hurt. For instance, when the sons of Jacob conspired to kill Joseph, to them it was the perfect way to get rid of the 'big dreamer' that made them all look like vision-less fellows, and had taken their father's affection from them; so they took it upon themselves and agreed that they were totally correct in their intended evil action. After they had sold him and feigned his death, they might have believed it had all ended, only to be shocked with the countenance of their father, thereby sentencing themselves to a lifetime of grief and sorrows from the man they honored most- their father Israel. That alone was enough to prick their conscience until they were clouded with the mist of regret. They sought his attention for themselves, but all they created was a deficit to their own loss; thus causing more harm than what warran...

We Receive As We Believe

DAILY VITAMIN I've come to learn overtime that our reception is a function of our belief; and so in actual sense, we are rewarded by-and with-what we believe. This is the key to why some nations seem more developed than some others; and this is because the individuals of these nations have a totally different set of beliefs- for while one believes in inventions and innovations, the other do not. Jesus taught everytime He healed a man that ''according to your faith, let it be unto you''(Matt 9:29). That's like saying that we receive as how much as our faith dictates. This means that if we believe God is good enough to answer our petitions, then He is and will; but if we think He is incapable, He can stay incapable in our lives. If we believe He is full of abundance to supply all our needs, then He will; but if we doubt His providential power, it'd be as though He couldn't. If we believe He can restore our broken relationships that seem so irreparable, t...

Who's Your Point Man?

DAILY VITAMIN Have you ever watched a basketball game where one team is down by just 2 points with three seconds left; and at that moment the whole team, supporters, coach and even bystanders are putting all their trust on their shooting guard to come up and seal the win with just that one 3-point shot? That's exactly how things are with us. We've played the game with our human ability for so long that victory still seems far-fetched, and so out of that inability to help ourselves, we instigate God's ability by giving Him the ball and all the trust He requires. Just like the basketball team, we must get to that point where natural ability can't help anymore as we think it should, so that grace may abound; because faith in God is the birth ground of limitless grace, while faith in human works is the strengthening of the law of tireless efforts. God wants a people who are willing to trust Him with all they are: a people ready to release themselves in faith unto Him. He...

Sudden Change

DAILY VITAMIN One of the most comforting words you can ever rely on is that ''God is in control, and He's with you all the way''. It is not just comforting, it is life in itself; and this is because it's not a joke, nor a flop, it's the truth as simply as can be said. You may not have gotten all you seek, but the thought that God is with you all the way is more than enough. Because He can't be with you, and watch you get messed up by life's ordeals. The woman in scripture with an osteoporosis description of a disease had been bent for 18 years, and I believe all through those years, she sought a miracle and that's why she was always present at the temple. Then one day, out of the blue- unexpected, Jesus touched her and made her whole; and from that day she was straightened. Just like that suffering woman, many of us have been bent by life's circumstances: a bad break, a regretted choice, bad financial positions, suffering relationships, dem...

Engaging The Power Of Stillness

DAILY VITAMIN After the invasion of Jerusalem, all the men saw it as a good idea to run to Egypt for solace, but God had other plans for them. When they would inquire of the Lord concerning the situation, God would speak to Jeremiah, instructing them to stay put that He would show them His mercies (Jer 42:10-12). That's exactly what Jesus illustrated when He said ''Let not your heart be troubled'' (John 14:1). In the midst of chaos, God was teaching them to have peace, not because on the natural, there was any peace, but because His presence with them is peace enough. He says "Be of good cheer even though you would have trials in this world, because I am with you and have overcome the world". That was Jesus' exact words. He meant it then, and He still means it now. "Now, how does this whole story of the Israelis relate to me?", you may ask. For many of us, like Judah, whenever it seems like our ship just hit the iceberg, we run to Egypt: ...

Learning To Trust (2)

DAILY VITAMIN The story of God and Moses gives us a glimpse into the true meaning of what Jesus meant when He said ``Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world``(John 6:33). Prior to his meeting with Pharaoh, God told Moses how He was going to let Pharaoh reject Moses' words on numerous occasions for reasons best known to Him; but one thing was sure: God was teaching Moses to learn how to trust Him, and to comfort himself in Him even when after so much, so little seems to be know why? Because it's only temporal, but God's promise of a deliverance is ever permanent. The Israeli populace were facing their worst nightmare- Pharaoh was adamant, and their tasks were made more cumbersome to keep them jaded at all times; yet word kept coming from God that it wasn't enough reason to have sleepless nights. Just like Moses, you might have encountered some situations that appear insurmountable. You have tried and tried, yet it seems as though your trials were...

Learning To Trust

DAILY VITAMIN I believe that in the same way we search the ground for minerals, if we search deeply into books, we would find an equivalent of gold to your soul, spirit and mind. The power of knowledge is always enough to cause a paradigm shift to greater realities. A deep study of the scripture reveals to you the unwritten verses that only God can make known to a man. Right there in the scripture, about the mid-section, the sage king Solomon put down the fastest means to find peace and comfort in life. He wrote ''Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding''. But notice how the Amplified put it "lean on, trust and be confident in the LORD" (Pro 3:5). In this very verse, Solomon was saying that in the same way you lean on an erect pole when tired because you trust its stability, he admonished that you lean on the Lord with the same level of absolute confidence in Him. In fact, i believe leaning is the primary evidence of abso...

Love Is Where Life Begins

DAILY VITAMIN What's the most important thing to you in life? Think for a while before you answer. And you can take as long as it takes. Alright! Are you ready now? Let's continue. In everything you do always remember that love comes before ambition. Most times we get so carried away in climbing the ladder of success that we fail to recognize and notice when there are hands stretching high for us to help lift them up. We so much pursue self-purposed desires that we miss those God sends our way to impact; not that they didn't show up, but that we failed to notice their arrival.  And guess what: Our silver lining of greatness in the sands of time and in the mouth of men is not built by the success we built for ourselves, but by how much success we attained in imparting and influencing people. Any achievement of ours' that has no positive impact on others isn't labeled success, but a self-fulfilled goal; and that's why Mother Teresa wrote 'a life not lived ...