What Real Friends Do
One attribute of true friendship that is also urgently needed in the ever increasing number of supposed unions nowadays is the virtue of selflessness; and that was exactly what Jesus showed us while on earth. Remember, He said that greater love is revealed in and through us when we begin to love each other as much as we love ourselves, and even more. In addition to everything Jesus taught us, the story of David and Jonathan releases unto us the principles of true friendship:
First, a good friend is concerned about what is needed, and not just what is wanted. Jonathan knew every man in his father's cabinet including Saul himself wanted him to be his successor, even after Samuel plainly revealed unto them the will of God; but despite the pleasure of kingship, Jonathan would decide to go with what was needed both by God and man by accepting David as king even when it would be to his own hurt and loss (1 Samuel 23:17). Similarly, when as a friend, you're all about 'me' even when the need for help falls on someone else, then believe me you aren't a good one. To build a good relationship, self must be neglected often times to follow what is required to be done- and that's exactly what Jonathan did. He chose the entire welfare of his nation and familiars than his own ego.
Second, a good friend places God's will above personal will. Jonathan could have taken the option of strengthening his dad or sons to retain the kingdom, but he had understood God's way, and instead chose to lift David. Do you believe it was easy for Jonathan in the flesh? It wasn't! And this is because it wasn't a want, but a need; and needs aren't the easiest to abide with, especially when there is a want just before you. Similarly, when you are a good friend like I hope to be, you don't hide opportunities from those you care about. Who cares if they get it and you don't? Well, we will; but it shouldn't bother you, because in my walk with God I have learned that whatever is yours will surely come to you as long as you're faithful to God. It doesn't matter if thousands vie for it, it will come to you, because God says it's yours. So like Jonathan, don't keep from others what you know can be theirs. Don't find joy in the sorrows. Real friends don't do that; learn to find joy in their joys- even when it outnumber yours.
And know this: if you must save your friendship, you must see the other party in the same light as you see yourself, treating them in ways you would desire to be treated; for then you would be treating them not with the hands of selfishness, but selflessness, because you would treat them in the best way you would treat you. Even the ''golden rule''states that we should 'do unto others as you will it to be done unto you' (Matthew 7:12). What do you believe real friends would do? Do it all the time no matter what.
In conclusion, friendship is like a tether that is easily broken by the pinches of selfishness; and so to strengthen it, apply a touch of selflessness. Be selfless. Do what real friends do. Be value added driven in all your relationships. Focus on them as much as you focus on you. I believe you can do it; and I suggest you do. Today, let's learn to be friends that add strength.
One attribute of true friendship that is also urgently needed in the ever increasing number of supposed unions nowadays is the virtue of selflessness; and that was exactly what Jesus showed us while on earth. Remember, He said that greater love is revealed in and through us when we begin to love each other as much as we love ourselves, and even more. In addition to everything Jesus taught us, the story of David and Jonathan releases unto us the principles of true friendship:
First, a good friend is concerned about what is needed, and not just what is wanted. Jonathan knew every man in his father's cabinet including Saul himself wanted him to be his successor, even after Samuel plainly revealed unto them the will of God; but despite the pleasure of kingship, Jonathan would decide to go with what was needed both by God and man by accepting David as king even when it would be to his own hurt and loss (1 Samuel 23:17). Similarly, when as a friend, you're all about 'me' even when the need for help falls on someone else, then believe me you aren't a good one. To build a good relationship, self must be neglected often times to follow what is required to be done- and that's exactly what Jonathan did. He chose the entire welfare of his nation and familiars than his own ego.
Second, a good friend places God's will above personal will. Jonathan could have taken the option of strengthening his dad or sons to retain the kingdom, but he had understood God's way, and instead chose to lift David. Do you believe it was easy for Jonathan in the flesh? It wasn't! And this is because it wasn't a want, but a need; and needs aren't the easiest to abide with, especially when there is a want just before you. Similarly, when you are a good friend like I hope to be, you don't hide opportunities from those you care about. Who cares if they get it and you don't? Well, we will; but it shouldn't bother you, because in my walk with God I have learned that whatever is yours will surely come to you as long as you're faithful to God. It doesn't matter if thousands vie for it, it will come to you, because God says it's yours. So like Jonathan, don't keep from others what you know can be theirs. Don't find joy in the sorrows. Real friends don't do that; learn to find joy in their joys- even when it outnumber yours.
And know this: if you must save your friendship, you must see the other party in the same light as you see yourself, treating them in ways you would desire to be treated; for then you would be treating them not with the hands of selfishness, but selflessness, because you would treat them in the best way you would treat you. Even the ''golden rule''states that we should 'do unto others as you will it to be done unto you' (Matthew 7:12). What do you believe real friends would do? Do it all the time no matter what.
In conclusion, friendship is like a tether that is easily broken by the pinches of selfishness; and so to strengthen it, apply a touch of selflessness. Be selfless. Do what real friends do. Be value added driven in all your relationships. Focus on them as much as you focus on you. I believe you can do it; and I suggest you do. Today, let's learn to be friends that add strength.
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