He's With You Always

Our deepest fear as men, and the reason why most of us strive for success is because we believe that when the goods are all gone, everyone would desert us. And so for this reason, we detest trying periods because they make us feel like we have no essence anymore. While this may seem true, it isn't actually true. Many a person fear trials not because it makes them any worse than they are, but because it makes them feel worse than they are. That sense of uncertainty in the value of their identity is the real reason why men would do anything to appease the judgment of others in their everyday life.
Though this is true that men may, in fact will, desert you when you are at your weakest moment, but God says He won't. He says ...to your old age, He will carry you, and even when you are hoary headed, He will carry you (Isaiah 46:4). That simply connote that when the 'new' in your life seems to fade out on physical sight, though men may leave, but God is still there with you as He was when everything was alright. Even when dryness seems to flock around you, He will carry you through.
Thus, the word for you today is that, as Gideon you may be at your worst moment or at the lowest point of your life where it seems as though futility has become your destiny; but in the midst of all of that, in a twinkling of an eye, 'peace' shall be your lot, 'fear not' your instruction, and 'thou shall live' your remark. You are going to live through this- that is, whatever it is you seem to think you are already locked in; whatever it is that keeps you dried out. You are going to live through this- the pining sickness, the raging penury, the piling debts and everything that makes you seem inessential. God says you will live through this, and not die out halfway, because He has you in His palms, carrying you, and assuring you that He will deliver you. Remember, He promises to be with you even till the end of the world. That means His eyes are on you all the time, every time.
Hence, stay trusting in Him; trust Him to bring you even out of that pit. He's taking you out and yes....keeping you out until you are whom He says you are!


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