Words You Should Cherish (2)

Despite all we saw in God's words to David, He still wasn't done with him. In verse 2, it reveals that even in the green field where the venomous asps dwell beneath the grasses, the crawlers with their stings abide, and the hoppers scavenge on the crops cultivated, God is the source of that peace which would enable us to live without being moved - a peace that passes all understanding and human comprehension (Philippians 4:7). He says He makes us lie safely in the pasture lands. Remember,  it is only the Lord that makes the lion, the ass and the man to dwell without bloodshed (1 Kings 13:24-28). And so He is saying that no matter how rough life may seem for others, He's always going to be there to ensure He has you safe and sound.
Furthermore, like the disciples experienced, with Jesus actively on the ship, the raging seas were called unto stillness. When Isaiah wrote about God being with us in the water (Isaiah 43:2), he didn't mean with us as it rages, because though it may rage, but as soon as He holds our hands with our. feet on the bank, the waters are stilled with a typology of this in the miracle experienced by the Levites who crossed Jordan at God's command with the ark (Joshua 3:15-17).
In verse 3, He says that He restores our souls. This reveals that after the fragmentation of our mortal part- even our soul, when consumed by sin, guilt and curses, our source of restoration lies in God; leading us away from our many paths of sin back unto Himself in glorious splendour so that the Saul we once were becomes the Paul we shall become. This is also means that no matter how lost you think you are; no matter how wasted you think your life has been; no matter how dejected and rejected you have been, He is capable and willing to make all things better for you again. He can help you overcome that trauma- that addiction, if you will let Him in.
If at any point, you have ever seen yourself in the path you label 'No return', know this: God is enough to turn the tables around. He can restore you from the ails of failure, personal dejection, selfpity and condemnation; and guess what also, He doesn't just fix and leaves, He fixs and leads us in paths too great for us (Psalm 18:32-33), so as to help us end great as well.
Hence, let this mind be in you, that you have a true source of security, peace, restoration and deliverance in God, but don't just know it, live it out loud by dwelling where it pleases Him you dwell- in Him!


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