Words You Should Cherish (1)

The 23rd Psalm I believe should be enough for you to realize how much God should be enough for you. David in the first 3 verses gave reasons for his confidence in God, and in the last 3, he bolstered it with proclamations that he believed God's promises had made reality to him. And in the coming days, we'd take a deeper look into each of these verses to see all David learned to understand, and as a result experienced the great manifestations of God he enjoyed.
In verse 1, he described God as a Shepherd. He said He is my shepherd, so I have everything I need. You see, the LORD keeps us with all of His attention fixed on us as a shepherd does his sheep. The shepherd may not have enough for himself, but he always fends for his sheep, because without the flock, his duty is not sealed and complete. He rejoices over the welfare of his sheep, and finds fulfillment in ensuring that they have no reason to be in need; and thus cannot be seen as defenseless by the bystanders in the journey of life. God's will to watch over the creature proves against disbelief why He alone is called LORD; for by definition, a lord is the one who direct affairs, an act God does perfectly (Daniel 4:17, 2 Chronicles 16:9).
With that in mind, I want you to understand how much of a gift you have before you in the Person of God.....such a great one that David proclaimed 'NO LACK'(paraphrased). God is willingly ready to be to you exactly how He was to David - a keeper, a provider- your sustenance. The same David would say I laid down and awakened because the Lord sustained me (Psalm 3:5); and guess what, it doesn't start with you trying to be all perfect, No! That will come in the process as you release yourself to Him; rather it begins with your acceptance of Him. I mean a sincere return and call for Him to be Lord of your life.
If you haven't done this before, I implore you to do so now, for in the region of your possession is the ability to live with the assurance that one greater constantly watches over you; for I believe today with all my heart that God is going to use you to show the world how great of a Father every man should acknowledge and possess.


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