Sudden Change

One of the most comforting words you can ever rely on is that ''God is in control, and He's with you all the way''. It is not just comforting, it is life in itself; and this is because it's not a joke, nor a flop, it's the truth as simply as can be said. You may not have gotten all you seek, but the thought that God is with you all the way is more than enough. Because He can't be with you, and watch you get messed up by life's ordeals.
The woman in scripture with an osteoporosis description of a disease had been bent for 18 years, and I believe all through those years, she sought a miracle and that's why she was always present at the temple. Then one day, out of the blue- unexpected, Jesus touched her and made her whole; and from that day she was straightened. Just like that suffering woman, many of us have been bent by life's circumstances: a bad break, a regretted choice, bad financial positions, suffering relationships, demeaning penury, unresolved ailments; and due to this, we just chose to never see any thing good coming out of life. The troubles we have seen seem to have beclouded every single ray of hope we could once see. So terrible that even in the storm, the silver lining we once believed hung at the edge no longer appears true any more - at least, according to our own evaluation.
When bent, you can never see the sunlight in its splendor- just shadows as the suffering lady did; and so when we stay bent, all we experience are shadows of what we ought to have received by promise. Instead of getting full bread of the land as God declared, we get crumbs as token of philanthropy. It's time to look up. It's time to refuse to be bent. It's time to go past shadows to the true revelation and manifestation of God's promises. But know this, that lady wouldn't have ever seen the sun if Jesus hadn't met her; so in the same way, you've got to have a meeting with Jesus.
You've got to let Him in to touch you. You've been abased for so long, it's time to be exalted. He's giving you your good breaks, a right choice, financial restoration, healing relationships, abundance and good health: from the bent status to a living-for-God state. But first, you've got to meet Him.


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