Who's Your Point Man?

Have you ever watched a basketball game where one team is down by just 2 points with three seconds left; and at that moment the whole team, supporters, coach and even bystanders are putting all their trust on their shooting guard to come up and seal the win with just that one 3-point shot? That's exactly how things are with us. We've played the game with our human ability for so long that victory still seems far-fetched, and so out of that inability to help ourselves, we instigate God's ability by giving Him the ball and all the trust He requires.
Just like the basketball team, we must get to that point where natural ability can't help anymore as we think it should, so that grace may abound; because faith in God is the birth ground of limitless grace, while faith in human works is the strengthening of the law of tireless efforts. God wants a people who are willing to trust Him with all they are: a people ready to release themselves in faith unto Him.
He said I place before you life and death, a blessing and a curse; choose life that you may live (Deut 30:19). However, choosing life goes beyond just pointing at the option; it requires staying with the option with absolute confidence that it will yield the desired results. It means to keep keeping on in faith towards God even when there's no motivation to keep on. And these all comes back to our acknowledgment of God’s nature to do without failure all He's said He would. As I have said, a release of our faith to trust Him unconditionally.
Note, the words of Joab, ''Let us act as men....after all our fate lies only on what God seems good to do'' (2 Sam 10:12). There you don't just see an application of works, but primarily a dependence on faith in God. Or should we speak of Moses who when he would ask God for a sign that He would be with him was given a sign of the future, and not of the now (Exodus 3:12); and that's because faith is a reality of tomorrow by believing God for the now.
God trains us to trust Him not for the end alone, but throughout the process that gets you to the end. With circumstances allowed, He draws us from self confidence to God confident, until like the early disciples, we can look to Him and desire only an increase in faith and trust towards Him, because we know that's where the attainment of all things must begin. So what's your plan? Are you gonna give Him that 3 seconds shot, or are you going to try to take it yourself?
Lot took it himself when he chose the pleasant lands of Sodom, judging by what he saw rather than what God could have said if he had the courtesy to ask; but Abraham gave it to Him when he waited and trusted in His word, and look at how they both ended up.
Evaluate their lives and take a pick; decide who's going to make the final decisions of your life: you or Him? Decide on whose strength you are going to rely on: yours or His? But know this ''Blessed is the man that trust in Him'' (Ps 34:8). Hence, let God be your point man; and let the knowledge of His unfailing nature be enough to bolster your faith in Him.


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