Desist From Rash Decisions

Decisions made out of anger or envy are not only self destructive, but they also affect the attitude of those we seem not to desire their hurt. For instance, when the sons of Jacob conspired to kill Joseph, to them it was the perfect way to get rid of the 'big dreamer' that made them all look like vision-less fellows, and had taken their father's affection from them; so they took it upon themselves and agreed that they were totally correct in their intended evil action.
After they had sold him and feigned his death, they might have believed it had all ended, only to be shocked with the countenance of their father, thereby sentencing themselves to a lifetime of grief and sorrows from the man they honored most- their father Israel. That alone was enough to prick their conscience until they were clouded with the mist of regret. They sought his attention for themselves, but all they created was a deficit to their own loss; thus causing more harm than what warranted their actions in the first place.
In the same way, when a man gets angry, he becomes in a similar way likened to boiling water, which though is meant to serve a purpose, but when spilled could cause burns on whomever it touches. You might have a legit reason to be angry, but as hot water, your actions at that moment towards anyone could cause an irreparable damage. You might believe you have the right to be mad, but what's a right worth if it causes you to lose all you love and have worked hard to accomplish. Just a few weeks ago, the news of a woman who killed herself, her husband and two kids, all because she got into an argument with her husband at an earlier moment shook the entire nation. You see, rash decisions only get you rash actions; and rash actions only produce harsh realities. Don't let the enemy win in that area of your life; fight for it. Don't give in to such tempestuous feelings to act beyond the reasonable standard- at least not in this case.
Thus, what do you do when it seems your anger level is rising to its boiling point? Add a little warm water to it to bring its degree downwards to minimal level, and this water is the word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit which shall flow as a fountain of living water out of you (John 4:11,14).
The word of God advices that though we might get angry oftentimes, but we must not let it exceed past a day (Ephesian 4:26). You know why? Because an angry fellow throughout a whole day can never get anything good out of that day, because his decisions are biased with emotional disruptions. And also because the Holy Spirit can't be complementary to such a fellow to abide effectively in him.
Hence, if your day must be hinged on the platform of miracles, allowing anger to be groomed into bitterness and ill-actions must be wiped off your slate; for in its presence, curses prevail, but without it, an atmosphere of all-round pacification is born.


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