Renewed (1)
DAILY VITAMIN - Renewed I Even as Christians, most times we fail to realize how conformed to the world we have become. Regardless of our religious displays and piety, we often times fail to exemplify Christ. Many a person who claim to be like Jesus live lives that depict that they had never known Him. This should be important to us all because it is more than just knowing that reveals Christ in us; how we live shows the perfect picture. Furthermore, it is custom for the world to embrace those who follow it, and dispose those who challenge it; but what did Jesus do? He came to save the sinner (those who challenge God's authority) (Mark 2:17). What I am trying to imply by this: we fail to realize that the purpose of Christianity is to save as many as possible before the harvest comes, not to discard the unsaved. In fact, it would be absurd for the labourer to discard a grain no matter how bad he thinks it looks without the Master giving the order, even Jesus in His parable spoke a...