
See It As God Sees It

  DAILY VITAMIN - See It As God Sees It "Look as far as you can see in every direction, for I am going to give it all to you and your descendants..." (Genesis 13:14-17 TLB) Life is hard. That's the truth, but it's not what matters. What really matters is how we respond to it. Because that's what faith is all about: how we respond to it.  Faith says I'm still here when life has thrown its worst blow. Faith says it's not over when life's mockingly saying it is. Faith says I trust God when life says God can't do anything about the situation. Faith knows there's another way, God's way, and chooses that other way. In the theme verse, God told Abraham that though he may not have experienced the increase promised, but if he can see it he can have it. And Abraham did choose to see it, and he got it eventually. The thing is life offers us a choice. Always. Its reality and then God's. The reality of life is that life is tough and crazy things hap...

Logic vs. Faith

  DAILY VITAMIN - Logic vs. Faith "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead." (Hebrews 11:1 TLB) Does faith really defy logic? Well, that's a question with contrasting answers. Logic, in itself, deals with the aggregation of premises to reach a suitable conclusion. Such that if I say I am feeling feverish and have no appetite, then it can be inferred that I am sick. A postulation of fact based on provable evidences. Whereas faith, though, also based on an evidence, relies solely on one truth: that God is good and is real and is all He says He is. In this regard, logic will disagree because it cannot prove there's a God by way of premises. However, while that may happen, logic is necessary for faith to be legit.  First, for instance, a man who never knew hepatitis C is incurable would term it coincidence if it does vanishes f...

A Clean Bill of Health Is Possible

  DAILY VITAMIN - A Clean Bill of Health Is Possible "No inhabitant of Zion shall say "I am sick..." (Isaiah 33:24) God is able to make all grace abound toward a man that he'd get to have all things in sufficiency, including good health. I've seen it happen many times. In Jesus' time, He healed as many as were sick and the Bible never told us these folks went back to being sick ever again. The woman with the bleeding problem, the blind man at the pool of Siloam, the invalid at Bethesda, and the old woman at the temple with a bad back, none of them returned to their sickened state after He touched them. And you don't have to either. The Bible said He will restore health unto us and heal us of all our wounds (Jeremiah 30:17). Not some, all. He knows how painful that condition is for you and promises to heal you. Why is this so important? Because it's against protocol for a child of Zion to be ridden by sickness. Our theme verse says it's an abominat...

Do Not Let The Monster Win

  DAILY VITAMIN - Do Not Let The Monster Win "....but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your experience how his ways will really satisfy you." (Rom 12:2 TLB) When a man becomes born again, what gets rebirthed is his spirit. Not the soul nor the body. This is why at first, the urge to smoke a joint or to down a full bottle of alcohol still remains if you used to do that, or the crave for drugs or to fornicate. And sometimes many still slip into these vices. Not because their salvation wasn't genuine, but because though their spirit has been saved, their bodily elements and a large portion of their yet-to-be spiritually influenced soul still remains as it were. Without a fresh newness. Still doing as you once thought and did. Which are the two actions that shape a man's everyday life. Now, these other facets of man learn to change and be transformed as the spirit influences our daily living. It's lik...

Winning The Battle Of Life

  DAILY VITAMIN - Winning The Battle Of Life "I have given you authority over all the power of the Enemy, and to walk among serpents and scorpions and to crush them. Nothing shall injure you." (Luke 10:19 TLB) If there's one thing we can never completely escape in this world, it is trials. The Bible says man's days are few but full of troubles (Job 14:1). No one can avoid them. If you don't go to them, they will come to you. As long as you're still in this world, you cannot be totally rid of them; be it in the form of a troublesome neighbor, or a pesky boss, or simply just direct spiritual attacks. We can never truly live life without encountering them. As the opening scripture depicted, we live in world inhabited by serpents and scorpions. Some in human form like us, others as extraterrestrial forces. Yet in all these, we are expected to overcome.  Little wonder Jesus never promised us a trouble-free life, rather He only assured us of a trouble-less one. In t...

Dream It, Believe It, Work It Till It Happens

  DAILY VITAMIN - Dream It, Believe It, Work It Till It Happens "Because of your faith it will happen." (Matthew 9:29 TLB) If there's one thing all humans share in common, it's the ability to dream. A lot of folks may never fully use this gift but it's there. Whether untapped or extensively utilized, that potential to create worlds with colours better and brighter than our present ones exist, and if we use it as it should be used new worlds can be formed. Have you ever wondered why God gave man the capacity for faith? It's because like Him mankind can create the uncreated in this world of the seen from the unseen. Mankind has the ability to see colours that never existed and make them be. To see life out of dead situations and hope from the hopeless. And this is exactly what Jesus showed everyone through His time on earth. Consider everything He did, it was simply an act of defiance against the usual. Against the normality of routine and the commonality of cli...

Use Your Time Wisely

  DAILY VITAMIN  - Use Your Time Wisely "Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should." (Psalm 90:12 TLB) Just like our theme verse supposes, many are just like David who prayed, "LORD, how long will I live? When will I die? Tell me how soon my life will end." (Psalm 39:4 GNV), because in a way they believe if they knew they'd be more intentional with their lives.  But is that really true? Anyway, I'll answer the first question for you: it could be anytime. We are all on borrowed time here. We are all on a clock. God has numbered our days, and whether we know it or not it's counting. And fast. This might sound weird to you, but it's always been strange to see people act like someone's life has ended when the doctor says he/she has only a year or less to live. Because the truth is we could even die before they do. We are all on the clock; the only difference is that those guys can see theirs now, w...

Learn To Rest

  DAILY VITAMIN - Learn To Rest "After finishing all He created, God ceased from what He had been doing." (Genesis 2:2) Man for centuries have been compared to machines because the truth is the body somewhat is like a machine itself, only a much delicate one. And just like machines, without rest it will crash. For effective use, machines are allowed a period of rest to reduce the risk of wear and tear. They are oiled regularly, their parts replaced consistently as required. Why? Because there's nothing in this world that wouldn't break down when overused. And the same applies for mankind. Unlike machines, the human body have vital organs that can be directly affected by stress. This stress causes the release of certain neurotransmitters that can damage them in the long term. Being mental or physical stress. From cardiac arrest to stroke, most of these ailments have a causative factor related to stress levels. And this is why it's important that you rest. Most folk...

There Is Yet Hope In Your Future

  DAILY VITAMIN - There Is Yet Hope In Your Future "The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former ..." (Haggai 2:9) God never creates a good beginning without a greater end for those who trust in Him. Like it is written in the Book of Job, the end is always better. At least that's how it ought to be. And when it comes to us believers, our end will be better. Both here on earth and afterward. The Bible refers to it as the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day (Proverbs 4:18 ESV). So while the beginning may appear to be dark, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Jesus speaking about us mentioned that as many as have lost one thing or the other because of their allegiance to Him shall repossess multiple folds of the same in this world and everlasting life in the world to come (Luke 18:29-30). Or shall we also consider how Isaiah puts it when he said eyes have not seen nor ears heard what God has prepared for us (Isai...

Think Big

  DAILY VITAMIN - Think Big "I have said, You are gods: and all of you are children of the most High." (Psalm 82:6) Th act of thinking big isn't a social construct or a concept for the enlightened alone as many assume. No. It's an age-long principle instituted by God Himself to enable men become the best version of their mortal selves. Everything God said about men in scripture wasn't always a perfect picture of who they were at the moment but of whom they could be. For example, when He calls us the light of the world, He was inferring to the original nature of our being at creation. You may seem like a burden to many right now, and may even be one presently, but God sees you beyond that. He sees you as He sees Himself-- in His likeness (1 John 4:17). In other words, you have to start thinking how God thinks. God doesn't think loser. He doesn't say "Oh I'm not good enough." No, rather like Him, we must know we are. We must think "I may n...

Speak Positive Words Only

  DAILY VITAMIN - Speak Positive Words Only "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable." (PSALM 19:14) The words we speak define who we become. They are like the sculptor's chisel, shaping us each day till we are brought into the form of what we always affirmed we were. This is why the things we say matter a lot. It took God only words to create everything except man. Scripture says He speaks into existence things that were not (Romans 4:17). In the same vein, we can bring into our lives or cast out of it things we don't want through words of affirmation. Little wonder why we'll be judged even by our idle words. Jesus said by our words we shall be redeemed or condemned (Matthew 12:37). Hence, what have you been uttering about yourself? Remember that you are a being of authority and every word you say is a proclamation, even the negative ones. That's why you need to stop with all the negative words and thoughts and incline yourself ...

Don't Give In To Fear

  DAILY VITAMIN - Don't Give In To Fear "What time I am afraid, I will trust in you." (Psalm 56:3) It's impossible to live life without fears. But we sure can learn to live above them. Believe me this world can be really scary. The thoughts of what might happen while you are here, or when you're not anymore; the thoughts of how your family feels right now or how they might feel if things don't work out; these things are enough to have think you've had enough. I've been there, and if I'm being honest I think I'm still there sometimes. The thing is I've been ill for sometime, but what's worse is that I don't know what the definite cause is. I like to think I'm only living on what many call borrowed time but what I like to call God's grace. The way I feel bodily makes me know it's true. And that alone makes me scared. Not just for myself but for my loved ones as well. As a result, I spent most days largely depressed thinkin...

Keep Your Eyes On The Lord

  DAILY VITAMIN - Keep Your Eyes On The Lord "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." (1 Corinthians 15:19) Of all things in this world, only two things are certain. One is that some day we would all die, and two that after we die we'll all go on somewhere else. These two are a constant, every other thing is a variable. Others are a choice, these are a given. For instance, I could be a billionaire and still choose to never own a car. That's a choice. I can choose to stay unmarried. I can choose to never have children. In fact, people even choose who they want to love these days; but no one can choose if they are going to die at the end or not. And no one can choose not to end up where they deserve according to their works. The Bible tells us that at that time some will be sentenced to everlasting life and others to everlasting damnation (Daniel 12:2). So truly at the end there is somewhere we are going to be. Isn't this one ...

Choose To Forgive

  DAILY VITAMIN - Choose To Forgive "Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering; forbearing one another, and to forgive one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do you." (Colossians 3:12-13) There's the popular saying to forgive and forget ; but the fact is no one truly forgets. Not even God. Yet as strange as this truth seems, that's what makes the concept of forgiveness so beautiful. You see, forgiveness isn't about forgetting what someone did to you. No. It's you finally accepting it happened but still willing to love them as you always have because you know that's exactly what you'd want for yourself. Forgiveness is about giving others or yourself a second chance. And that's important because it changes you. Years after Paul approved the killing of Stephen, he still didn't play the ignorant card. He knew wha...

Live A Life Worth Remembering

  DAILY VITAMIN - Live A Life Worth Remembering "Therefore, let your light shine so that men may see and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) I've always been a firm believer of the truth that life, true life isn't measured in years but in deeds. Not in how long you live but in how well. I don't believe in dying too soon or at the "right" time, I believe in dying fulfilled or not. I believe at the end all that matters is that we were fit and useful for the purpose intended when created while we had breath.  Everybody dies; so death isn't really the Crux of the matter or the defining point. Life is, because not everyone lives; at least not how they were born to live. Many come into the world, but only a few become what they were here for. And we have to be a part of that set of persons. God has a plan for everyone. There are events we are meant to partake in, without which other great phenomenon might never happen. Imagine if Elijah hadn...

When Things Get Hard

  DAILY VITAMIN - When Things Get Hard "Now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider thy ways." (Haggai 1:5) In response to Solomon's prayers, God showed us that when things get hard, there's only one thing we can do to revert it. He talks about these uncontrollable factors beyond our ability to effect any desired change, such that we'd even think God was fighting against us; and to that He tells us what we must do is humble ourselves enough to seek His face and do what pleases Him (2 Chronicles 7:13-14).  Most times, life responds to us according to the things we fail to do and not even the things we do. Things we leave out. And there are certain things required of us. Especially when we feel blessed. One of which is to share so that others may also see the glory of God. In our theme scripture, we are advised that when things seem to stay static despite the efforts we put in to move forward, or when we never have enough to feed our home in spite of how har...

Like A Firefly

  DAILY VITAMIN - Like A Firefly "In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16 CSB) What makes a Firefly so special?  Its fluorescence. Its ability to be spotted amidst darkness unaided. And most times a sparkle of fireflies can be enough illumination to find our way through dark paths. In other words, they help us see what on our own we might not have. In the same vein, you are sort of like a Firefly. Because you were designed to show light in the dark. At least that's who you were meant to be. Jesus in John 8:12 says He is the light of the world and those who follow Him never stumble into darkness. And then in Matthew 5:14 says we are exactly the same. Lights; confirming John's words that as He is eternally so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). Yet in all this Jesus still insinuates that being a thing isn't enough except we act like it (Matthew 5:15). See also Ephe...

Remember Who You Are

  DAILY VITAMIN - Remember Who You Are "Ye are gods and all of you children of the most High..." (Psalm 82:6) The songwriter says "I'm no longer a slave to sin, I am a child of God." And to be sincere that is all that matters. YOU. ARE. A. CHILD. OF. GOD. It doesn't get any better than that. As a result, you are joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:14-16); meaning whatever Jesus can do, you've been given the grace to as well. And whatever can't happen to Him should be never be allowed to happen to you. In other words, was Jesus ever oppressed by devils? You shouldn't either. Was Jesus ever stranded without help? Not till prophecy required it to be for His purpose to be fulfilled. In the same way, you cannot be without help. Never. Because your help is from the LORD who made the heaven and the earth, and He never sleeps (Psalm 121:1-3). Therefore, when these aforementioned things start to occur in your life, remember who you are, and declare the only ...

There Is Power In This Place

  DAILY VITAMIN - There Is Power In This Place "And the inhabitants shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity." (Isaiah 33:24) I'm sitting here listening to Hillsong's 100 Billion Times and in those words today's devotion comes alive. Visible, apparent; because it not only reveals the strength of our God, but all of our potentials in and through Him as sons and daughters of God. Our position in Christ is one of power. Power sufficient to change lives for good. Not just ours, but even those amongst us. Power to heal and to change fortunes forever. The scripture says the same power that raised Christ from the dead now dwells in us and will quicken our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11). Not another body, this one. This same one everyone says is sick and weak to death. Not in any other life, but this as well. In other words, it doesn't matter how sick you seem or how weak you look, there is sufficient power to restore you ...

Adopting The Kingdom Life

  DAILY VITAMIN - Adopting The Kingdom Life "And He will give them to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to." (Matt 6:33 TLB) The above scripture is simply telling us all to seek to make Him known and to know Him. That's all that matters. Everything we could seek out of life is found in that simple practice. Is it good health? A fulfilling life? A great marital life? A sound financial life? Or wisdom? All come as an addendum when we do that. This is what Jesus came to teach us. He didn't come to give us a religion. Man had that already. He came to give us this Kingdom life and to show us how to live it (John 10:10).  The Kingdom life is a life focused on God. In this life, we aren't the protagonists. God is. So, out problems aren't the main highlights, He is. That means only what He says matters as truth. In other words, even when you don't look or feel good and He tells you you are you are. Even when you don't know w...