Live A Life Worth Remembering



- Live A Life Worth Remembering

"Therefore, let your light shine so that men may see and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

I've always been a firm believer of the truth that life, true life isn't measured in years but in deeds. Not in how long you live but in how well. I don't believe in dying too soon or at the "right" time, I believe in dying fulfilled or not. I believe at the end all that matters is that we were fit and useful for the purpose intended when created while we had breath. 

Everybody dies; so death isn't really the Crux of the matter or the defining point. Life is, because not everyone lives; at least not how they were born to live. Many come into the world, but only a few become what they were here for. And we have to be a part of that set of persons.

God has a plan for everyone. There are events we are meant to partake in, without which other great phenomenon might never happen. Imagine if Elijah hadn't met Elisha, imagine if Jesus had lived till a hundred years old. Now, two things will be certain for sure. First, all the wonders brought about through the life of Elisha would be lost in the grand scheme of things, untouched by the stories of men. Never to be witnessed by humanity. And second, the apostles would have stayed as nascent disciples. So, because Elijah lived out his purpose, another great purpose was born. Because Jesus lived as He was born to, many children of virtue have been awoken to right living.

Here's what I want you to know: Your life can be more. Don't be too scared of dying. That'd only leave you passive and static. Too afraid to do what you must to be who you must. Rather be afraid of not living, because if not then you'd be proving that there was no need for your being here in the first place. God brought you here to be something. Like the stars at night are created to give forth light, He is our star and we are His light. In His light we are made light and so can shine forth. And what do we shine forth? The essence of His being. We show the world what it means to live how God expects life to be lived. And we do this through good, no, great deeds.

Hence, leave your mark in lives. Do the things He wants you to. Live out the dreams He's given you. And so much more. Help someone out there. Be the purpose their purpose is rebirthed. Be the reason they appreciate life again. And the answer to why we must live a life worth remembering.


  1. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


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