Think Big
- Think Big
"I have said, You are gods: and all of you are children of the most High." (Psalm 82:6)
Th act of thinking big isn't a social construct or a concept for the enlightened alone as many assume. No. It's an age-long principle instituted by God Himself to enable men become the best version of their mortal selves. Everything God said about men in scripture wasn't always a perfect picture of who they were at the moment but of whom they could be. For example, when He calls us the light of the world, He was inferring to the original nature of our being at creation. You may seem like a burden to many right now, and may even be one presently, but God sees you beyond that. He sees you as He sees Himself-- in His likeness (1 John 4:17).
In other words, you have to start thinking how God thinks. God doesn't think loser. He doesn't say "Oh I'm not good enough." No, rather like Him, we must know we are. We must think "I may not have the needed skills now, but I will because I'm good enough." God also doesn't think lack. The cattle on a thousand hills are His (Psalm 50:10). Similarly we mustn't. Remember that they that seek God shall not lack any good thing (Psalm 34:10). So even when things aren't looking good, believe it will turn out good. Look to the light and not the darkness seemingly around you, because that's where God is; and where the Lord is there is deliverance (2 Cor 3:17).
Hence, what do you do? Think beyond what seems possible. That's the Lord's advice. In the words of Paul, He tells us that (1) whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things (Phil 4:8) and (2) God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think...(Ephesians 3:20). Thus, if you can think or ask it, it isn't hard enough for God, because His limits go beyond yours by a gazillion miles.
These reasons are why you ought to think bigger dreams and pray bolder prayers. Like I believe, our dreams are the perfect equivalent of our self worth. How you see yourself in the liberal state of your mind is who you deserve to be by all means. So think big. Ask big. The worse that can happen is a rejection. A simple No. But the best, oh the best, that will change your life forever.
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