Keep Your Eyes On The Lord
- Keep Your Eyes On The Lord
"If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." (1 Corinthians 15:19)
Of all things in this world, only two things are certain. One is that some day we would all die, and two that after we die we'll all go on somewhere else. These two are a constant, every other thing is a variable. Others are a choice, these are a given. For instance, I could be a billionaire and still choose to never own a car. That's a choice. I can choose to stay unmarried. I can choose to never have children. In fact, people even choose who they want to love these days; but no one can choose if they are going to die at the end or not. And no one can choose not to end up where they deserve according to their works.
The Bible tells us that at that time some will be sentenced to everlasting life and others to everlasting damnation (Daniel 12:2). So truly at the end there is somewhere we are going to be. Isn't this one of the reasons why you are a Christian? To spend eternity with Christ? In fact, it is the most important. That infinite fellowship with the Lord. Something He also promised us when He said he's with us till the end of the world (Matthew 28:20). Both worlds. Forever.
So, what do you do with this? Stop pretending. Ask yourself a sincere question: Am I living how God wants me to? Will my present form of living lead me to spending eternity with Christ? If there's anything I know it is that God detests hypocrisy and loves above all things sincerity. The scripture says a contrite heart and a broken spirit He will not despise (Psalm 51:17). Be true to yourself. Examine your life and if there needs to be a realignment don't be afraid to take it.
God wants to spend eternity with you. He sent you down here for a purpose but the grand essence of your being is to dwell with Him forever after all is said and done. But only you can stop you from getting that. Hence, Paul teaches us how to stay focused. He wrote " Set your affections on the things above..." (Colossians 3:2). The author of the letter to the Hebrews rephrased it as "Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:2). Keep your eyes on the ball, and the ball is pleasing God. Live a life every day that will bring Him delight, and because you're born again you can be assured in doing this that you will never miss your way to having an infinite life with and in the Lord.
Lord search my heart daily. Help me to hold every thought captive for Jesus. Amen. Have a Good day Osk!!!
DeleteAnd thank you Kirst 😁