See It As God Sees It



- See It As God Sees It

"Look as far as you can see in every direction, for I am going to give it all to you and your descendants..." (Genesis 13:14-17 TLB)

Life is hard. That's the truth, but it's not what matters. What really matters is how we respond to it. Because that's what faith is all about: how we respond to it. 

Faith says I'm still here when life has thrown its worst blow. Faith says it's not over when life's mockingly saying it is. Faith says I trust God when life says God can't do anything about the situation. Faith knows there's another way, God's way, and chooses that other way.

In the theme verse, God told Abraham that though he may not have experienced the increase promised, but if he can see it he can have it. And Abraham did choose to see it, and he got it eventually.

The thing is life offers us a choice. Always. Its reality and then God's. The reality of life is that life is tough and crazy things happen. People die, get sick, become broke, have accidents and many unprecedented casualties. Things that we don't expect. But then there's God's reality. That things will turn out as the Word said despite how things normally should happen. If we choose to see our reality in God's, we would experience the same. It might seem like it's never going to happen, but it will, because nothing is impossible with God and there shall be a performance of that which has been believed (Luke 1:37,45).

Abraham was too old to have children as was Sarah but believed God's word rather than the normal way of things, and God proved His Word true in their lives. Just like that, you have to start seeing each circumstances not how they appear to be but how God says it will. You have to have a little faith that God can make it as you've seen it. If He's promised He would, then He would.

Hence, don't see that job/relationship/financial loss as the end of your present life, see it as an entrance to better opportunities. God says "Behold, I will do a new thing..." (Isaiah 43:19). See it as such. See that problem as a opportunity to see the glory of God revealed. That's what Jesus did when he saw the blind man. He said he was in this position so that God's glory might be mightily revealed through him (John 9:3). So I personally believe God will turn your sorrow to joy, your ashes to beauty. You just got to see it as He does. See the colours He's painting with not those life has splashed on the canvas. It might look chaotic but focus on God's own selected colours. Feed on them. Brood on them and build your world from them. Not life's. The mess life's made may look scary but out of that mess God's going to send forth a message, out of that chaos He's going to make a masterpiece. And He's going to do it all through you.


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