Choose To Forgive



- Choose To Forgive

"Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering; forbearing one another, and to forgive one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do you." (Colossians 3:12-13)

There's the popular saying to forgive and forget; but the fact is no one truly forgets. Not even God. Yet as strange as this truth seems, that's what makes the concept of forgiveness so beautiful. You see, forgiveness isn't about forgetting what someone did to you. No. It's you finally accepting it happened but still willing to love them as you always have because you know that's exactly what you'd want for yourself. Forgiveness is about giving others or yourself a second chance. And that's important because it changes you.

Years after Paul approved the killing of Stephen, he still didn't play the ignorant card. He knew what he had done, he couldn't forget it, but he'd forgiven himself because he knew God had. So, the truth is that  you are never going to forget letting your parents down in the past, you're never going to forget whoever abused you as a kid, you're never going to forget the person you almost killed, et cetera. All you can do is forgive yourself or the other fellow and move on. Peace comes in dropping the billows, the baggages. Imagine a boat caught in a tide. The sails are dropped to help it pick up speed to escape the impending danger. In the same way, when you practise forgiveness you're forfeiting a burden that would have constantly starved you of the light.

I want you to have a much blissful life, but that can never happen if you can't look past yesterday. And that's what keeping a grudge and malice does to you, it keeps you stuck in long gone yesterday. It's time to move forward. Ahead. Let the guilt or the feeling of betrayal go, and surge ahead. One thing I'm certain this does for you as Jesus said is that it sets you up to receive the rewards of the new Dawn God has planted in your today.

Hence even right there where you are, choose to forgive.


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