To Save A Sinner

DAILY VITAMIN - To Save A Sinner “Then spoke Jesus again to them, saying, I am the Light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12) But then the question becomes: * How can I know I need to be saved when I’m not even convinced I was damned to start with? * How do I know I need to come out of the darkness when I’m not even convinced I’m in the dark right this moment? * How can I accept I need Jesus in my life when I’m not even convinced right now I’m no better without Him? These are valid arguments folks bring up most times. Valid, because there is no salvation without conviction. As such for them to be saved, they must have been flooded by a tsunami of convictions. And even though conviction is personal, it can be aided. Yes and in this case must be. You see, darkness isn’t exposed by listing all of its attributes. “You’re black. You’re white. You smoke. You don’t.” No! It is by exposing it to light as Christ ...