To Save A Sinner



- To Save A Sinner

“Then spoke Jesus again to them, saying, I am the Light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

But then the question becomes:

* How can I know I need to be saved when I’m not even convinced I was damned to start with?

* How do I know I need to come out of the darkness when I’m not even convinced I’m in the dark right this moment?

* How can I accept I need Jesus in my life when I’m not even convinced right now I’m no better without Him?

These are valid arguments folks bring up most times. Valid, because there is no salvation without conviction. As such for them to be saved, they must have been flooded by a tsunami of convictions. And even though conviction is personal, it can be aided. Yes and in this case must be.

You see, darkness isn’t exposed by listing all of its attributes. “You’re black. You’re white. You smoke. You don’t.” No! It is by exposing it to light as Christ always did. That’s why the Ten Commandments couldn’t completely transform men—in that it was veiled; but in Christ, that veil is removed. I’ll explain: in the presence of light, darkness’s inadequacies are profusely revealed. This is why darkness has never met light before. It vanishes, empties itself whenever light surfaces, leaving the helpless souls with the reality that has always been; that their life had always been filled, but filled with emptiness; thus the search for a more life-filling state begins. And this here is where we come in. This is how they meet Jesus.

The scripture says “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16). Praise God! You see, the only reason why we know it’s day is because of the sunlight. Imagine there was a three week long total eclipse, a lot of folks will still think there’s just been one night all the while except their watches are working. In the same way, the only way these lost brethren of ours are going to know they’ve been walking the wrong path is if they can spot the light shining on the right. If they can spot the light of Christ their starved soul desperately yearns after.

Thus, as we walk in light, revealing the beauty of such a life, the lost are drawn to discover how lost they’ve been and retrace their steps back to He who is the Source of all lights. And do you know why they would do this? Because just like them, we were once stuck in the darkness till He—Jesus—saved us. We found light in His light (Psalm 36:9), and now no longer stumble in the darkness. In other words, when these folks spot the love of God actively expressive in us, the unwavering joy, the compassion and largeness of heart, they’d realize they’ve been stumbling all the while, and then and there only will they be ready to get saved.

Remember, no matter how righteous a man may appear today, he was born a sinner, unsaved. So if salvation could happen in him, it can happen for all others. And that’s achievable because the essence of the Kingdom coming is to save the lost. Which once included us all. Man had been lost since Adam’s fall; but now God is getting as many as possible found. Every one of us. He’s inviting everyone as we saw in Matthew 22. He wants all to be saved. Hence, beam your light so bright; not to one, nor to two, but to all.


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