Dreams Do Come True



- Dreams Do Come True

“…all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23)

Whatever a man can dream, he can be. Every God-inspired dream was given to you because He knows you have all it takes to bring it to the fore right there within you. And He’s so sure because He put it there Himself. You see, God would never give you a dream bigger than you. Perhaps bigger than your present circumstance or your apparent present capacity; but if He gave you a heart to own it, He’s surely given you the potential to see it happen.

The key here is to believe. I don’t care how outrageous your dream is, it can never be more outrageous than God’s ability to do the impossible. The scripture says HE can do all things above what we could even imagine (Ephesians 3:20).  What that means is if you can dream it God can do it because even the things we aren’t capable of dreaming about He can do those too. So, just believe and take the corresponding actions required to meet its reality halfway every day.

This is paramount above all else because Isaiah 7:9 says if we do not believe, it will never happen. It doesn’t matter how much talent you’ve got, even how much connection your folks have, if you won’t believe that your dream is achievable, it will never be achievable.

So, what is your dream?  

I have a lot; some you would call crazy. Like one day founding a charity that help kids with terminal illnesses, even covering all of their medical costs. It’s something I have always wanted to be able to do, seeing how I lost my biological mom. You know, to be able to be a source of need in times of need to those who naturally can’t help themselves. I may not have achieved most part of it; may not even seem as possible based on the present, but don’t you see? That’s why I’m still here. Alive. I’m not done yet. And I’m not going anywhere till I see them all to come to pass. And I can be confident about that because I know if I do my part God will do His, and in time that dream will become a reality. 

Hence, again, what is your dream? Say it out loud. Write it down if you have to. Then write down all that needs to happen to see it manifest. Then categorize them according to those you can do right this moment and those you need more help than you can give yourself to achieve. Then do the part that you can, and just watch how God brings the rest into alignment. By bringing those who can help, or by enabling you improve in aspects where you need to. I don’t know a lot of things; all I know is that if you believe my friend, nothing will be impossible for you. Absolutely nothing.


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