God Will Make A Way



- God Will Make A Way

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19)

The song says God is a Waymaker. A simple word that shows that there’s nothing He can’t do. Jeremiah 32:27 says nothing is too difficult for Him. Matthew 19:26 says nothing shall be impossible for Him to do. And both are true. But unless you believe this, you might never experience its reality. That’s what was said to King Ahaz in Isaiah 7:9. 

Every establishment is set in place by beliefs; in the same vein, to see a side of God, you’ve got to believe that that side of His is ever extant.

Notice what was said to Mary: “Blessed is she that believed, for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Luke 1:45). So if you want performance, you got to pay with faith. And even a mustard seed kind of faith can move great mountains. So have a little faith today.

If you want to be healed right there where you are, see God right there where you are as your healer and call on Him right now to do what He only can do; and I’m sure your healing will be perfected. If it’s something else you need of Him, do the same. Try God today. Remember what Jesus said: “According to your faith, be it unto you.” (Matthew 8:28). So, no matter how tough the situation gets, believe that God will make a way for you and HE will. 

The scripture tells us there is a way no one else knows. A way to wisdom and hidden treasures. A way to miracles. A way to an abundant life. A way not even the cunning can decipher (Job 28). Only God knows that way. And He’s given He who is the way to us in Christ. But to get there, wherever He wants to take you, you’ve got to trust. 

Thus, even if everything you’ve tried before have failed; even if the experts you hired failed too; even if the specialists said it’s over; you’ve still got to trust. God knows a better way they could never think of. Remember He is able to do exceedingly beyond all any of us can think, ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). So yes, He can help you; and He will. Don’t just resist it by doubting Him. Again remember, He created you, knows your beginning and your end, knows what you need and don’t. So trust Him to do what only He can. 

It’s like what we do when an appliance gets broken. When the local technicians fail in repairing the damage and then we remember that we still have the warranty for an extra year, we take it back to the manufacturer, who either gives us a brand new one or fixes it perfectly; because since he made it, he has all he needs to make it work again. God has all it takes to make you work again, and in Christ you have an eternal warranty. Remember that. And use that knowledge; and while on that, remember He says, “Fear not; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).


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