Sing To The Lord



- Sing To The Lord

"...singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:19)

It takes a grateful heart to worship; but gratitude isn't just an offshoot of what has been received, sometimes it's just a response to what could be. In other words, you don't need any reason to worship God; that you can think there should be one is enough reason to. Like I've said in past devotionals, the things you think are worthless are things others are begging for. 

For instance, you woke up this morning. To many, that's nothing. It's usual. Ordinary. But to the fellow whose dad didn't wake up this morning it isn't. We take for granted a lot of things, but when we realize that we are not entitled to an extra day at the end of each day, and that the breath we take in every day is a gift from God, we would have enough reason to wake up each morning with thanksgiving. 

As I love to say; thanksgiving is a function of understanding what you are, what you could have been, where you are, where you could have been. You are alive, many are not. Not because you've been the best person on earth, but because God counts you worthy of an extra day at the end of each day. To me, that's a miracle; a miracle worthy of all the worship I've got in me.

So, please think hard; think hard this morning. If you are finding it difficult to see a reason to thank God at all times, think hard of all the things that could have been. Think of how that last relatioship could have been the end of you; how that last business deal could have completely wrecked you; how that accident could have taken your life or that of your loved ones. Think. But somehow, you scaled through. They scaled through. You may not know this, or better yet accept it, but God did that. You may not believe it, but it's more Him than you. The scripture says He watches us at all times to keep us safe (2 Chronicles 16:9); never sleeping ever keeping (Psalm 121:3-8); building alongside us so that our labours may never be in vain (Psalm 127:1). Yes, I acknowledge you did your own part, but it is the Lord who blesses the works of our hands; in that way, all we do prosper as it should.

If this isn't reason to enough to sing to the Lord with a grateful heart right now, then I don't what else is. I'm going to sing right this moment; I'm hoping you will join me. Yes, sing. Worship. Give God the only thing you can afford--the fruit of your lips in thanksgiving. Thank you Jesus. 


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