Love Yourself


- Love Yourself

"...I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14)

Why do we think loving oneself is wrong? Why do we act like it's a sin? Self-love isn't wrong; what's wrong is if you are all you love.

Infact, God expects us to love ourselves. Jesus tells us the greatest commandments are to love God and to love your neighbours as you love yourself. Not more than you love yourself, but as much as you love yourself.

The truth is if you don't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. Love is reflective. You can only give what you have within. This is evidential in how God can love us unconditionally; and that is because He is love personified. So, He doesn't struggle to give it because He is it. In the same way, if you don't see yourself as worth much, you'd never think anyone is worth anything too.

Thus, we are urged to love ourselves. To see ourselves how God sees us--as fearfully and wonderfully made. You might not be model-esque, but it doesn't mean you aren't special. Others may give you their validations, saying you don't have the right height, look, weight and what have you; but you don't need any external validation for your inherent credibility. God loves you exactly how He made you; you just got to learn to love yourself that way too. You've got to love your nose, your physique, your eyes and every part of you. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to want to get in shape. No! I'm simply saying that even if you're gonna do that, it shouldn't come from a place of not loving yourself enough. Because if it is, it will never be enough. There will always be another regimen, another surgery. But if your love for yourself comes from a place of understanding tha dynamics of who God made you to be and whom He wills to make out of you, then you won't need any addendum just to feel enough. Because you'd know that you are enough already. Maybe out of shape, but still enough.

It doesn't matter what others may say--be it family members, your partners or even friends, you have to believe you are special as the scrpture says and you need to own that. If God says you are, you are; and need to start learning to live in that light. Once you do learn to appreciate all you are, you'd also learn to see the best in others too. 

All chauvism, narcissism, racism and self-deprecation are products of a low self-esteem, which is a result of not loving oneself enough. Because that's the only reason why you'd despise the other man for nothing more than how he looks. Remember, love is reflective as is hate. People who hate others hate themselves too. But we are not children of hate. We were born from perfect love. And we got God in us. 

So even if for nothing else, that is enough reason to truly appreciate yourself better.

Do that. 


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