
There's Light In You

 DAILY VITAMIN - There's Light In You " In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (John 1:4-5) What our theme scripture truly depicts is that the day you received Christ, the light of God entered into your life; the same light that the Bible termed unapproachable; and by it all the darkness around you has been overcome. Glory to God! Can you believe that? The light of God that chases away the darkness wherever He appears is now actively resident in you. Little wonder, the Spirit speaking through David says that as soon as the enemy sets his eyes on you, he flees (Psalm 18:44-45). Darkness can't compete with the light. Hence, in line with God's Word, wherever you appear, devils are suppose to depart. The Bible never told us we have to leave a place out of fear of the devil. Even Jesus never vacated a place because of the devil. He claimed ownership; and we can do the same through H

The Word Blossoms

  DAILY VITAMIN -  The Word Blossoms " Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors." (Proverbs 8:34) The scripture says that the man who patiently on the Lord for His Word shall blessed as a result, and shall find life and favour in all he does. He doesn't depend on his own understanding, but on God's judgement, and is led right to the path of honour at all times. And Solomon recommends we do the same. When we live daily by the Word, we would blossom for all the world to see. Psalm 1:3 says such a man that delights in God's Word shall be like a tree planted by the river. James 1:25 says he shall prosper in all he does. Thus, are you confused concerning what to do next? Listen to what the LORD is saying. Your ideas might seem great, but we are told that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9). They accomplish all He desires and leaves us breaking forth with joy (Isaiah 55:12). So, listen to Him. Study t

There Is Only One Lord For All

DAILY VITAMIN - There Is Only One Lord For All " But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created all things and made us to be his own; and one Lord Jesus Christ, ..." (1 Corinthians 8:6 TLB) While other religions may presume another alternative or another way to salvation, there is no other. For instance, Buddhism has no place for God, but believes that man himself is his own judge and salvation by how he lives; while the Hindus add to it by believing that if you live doing good deeds, you'd be reincarnated into good fortune. But while this appears to give its believers hope, it has no true substance. Our theme scripture says there is only one God, the Father, who has made us his own, and only one Lord Jesus Christ who has saved us. And He says "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man can come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Jesus isn't a way, He is the only way. There are no alternatives.  Hence if you have Him in your li

Your Body Is God's Home

  DAILY VITAMIN -  Your Body Is God's Home " What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1 Corinthians 6:19) Your body is not just a part of you, it is a place God resides in. The scripture says that God dwells in us just as we dwell in Him by the Spirit. And as much as this is exciting, it depicts two things. First, with your body being God's house, it means you can't just do anything with it. Remember, the Holy Spirit abides in you, and so you must walk in holiness with your body. Forget what society says about how your body is yours and so you can do whatever you like with it, that isn't what God says. He says "-ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" (1 Cor 6:19-20).  Hope you saw that? God isn't only interested in how well you nurture your spirit, He cares also about

Success Is A Choice

  DAILY VITAMIN - Success Is A Choice "For which of you, intending to  build  a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the  cost , whether he have sufficient to finish it? ." (Luke 14:28) Success isn't a right; it's a choice. Though it's God's plan for your life, it's a path you have to constantly be in pursuit of. What this means is that God can't force a man to succeed; the man must first desire success, and only then can God help him. The Bible says God shall give such a man the desires of his heart when he delights in Him (Proverbs 37:4). It also says God will only establish what we commit to Him (Proverbs 16:3). So, there must first be a desire from the man's end before there can be a fulfilment on God's end. In other words, to succeed you must first desire success. You must have first tuned your mind with the picture of success and drive yourself toward it. Jesus told us that to build a house, we must count the cost and evaluate whet

You Can Do Anything If You Believe

  DAILY VITAMIN -  You Can Do Anything If You Believe "...   If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9:23) A great ad I love so much ends with the words  Impossible is Nothing . At first, it seems too good to be true, but once you realize the capacity you hold within yourself, you'd understand that it isn't. All human beings carry potential power - power resident in us that exceeds what others can depict from our appearance, but only those who believe enough to maximize it into usage break barriers. And what God says about you is that you can do whatever you believe you can. When a sick man came to Jesus in need of healing, He told the man that the power he needs to be whole again laid within his own heart. He said As you believe, so shall it be unto you  (Matt 9:29). So, in essence, you determine the outcome of your life by what you choose to accept into your heart. If you choose to believe there's nothing you can't do, yo

I Believe In Miracles

 DAILY VITAMIN - I Believe In Miracles "For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment." (Luke 1:37 AMP) Indeed, God can do anything. He can use difficulties to propagate ease in your life, just as much as He can use what was meant to harm you to heal you. He is the miracle working God.  I'll give you an example: A couple of years back in the university I had a bout with malaria; and while I was scheduled for treatment on a certain night I failed to stay hydrated. So immediately I was injected the two doses of the antimalarial medicine I dropped flat hitting my head hard against the solid ground. The months and years that followed came with incessant aches on that spot from time to time. I could literally feel like my skull was cracked and bruised. Now only some months back, I was on steroids to help eliminate a skin allergy.  At midnight, as I was about to leave the restroom the next thing I realized was

There Is Nothing Too Hard For Him

 DAILY VITAMIN - There Is Nothing Too Hard For Him "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind; is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27 TLB) A lot of people have nothing else but hope. Everything they once had banked on failed, and now live hanging on a thread of hope that the promise of God regarding the restoration of their joy shall come to be. However, though they believe, but with the way things look, it is beginning to seem far from happening; at least in their minds, and so they worry and worry hard. That may be you right now, wondering if your life will ever be better than this; it's been me before so I can understand what you are going through.  Nonetheless, I also know that God can do anything and everything - even help you. He said He is the God of all flesh, and then asks if anything can ever be too difficult for Him to perform. And in case you don't know the answer to that, listen to what Jesus said. He said "The things which are impossible wi

Trust In The Lord Today

 DAILY VITAMIN - Trust In The Lord Today "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him to help you do it and he will." ( Psalm 37:5 TLB) One scripture you must never forget is Psalm 23. It says "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want" (v.1). In this scripture David reveals his level of trust in the Lord, and wrote about what it did for him and can do for us in other parts.  First, he was confident that he could never be in want - note, not because of some hidden trust fund, nor his exceptional political connections, but - because of the Lord who watches over him. The same God who gives us all things richly to enjoy. And then told us that as a result he lies all day in rich pasture. That's an amazing picture. Never in lack and want. Just as a sheep grazes and lay in satisfaction, David was showing us what God can do and does for us when we trust in Him.  Notice what he said in Psalm 34; "The LORD redeems the soul of his servants; and none of them that

Trade With Your Gifts

 DAILY VITAMIN - Trade With Your Gifts "But to each one is given the manifestation of the [Holy] Spirit [the evidence, the spiritual illumination of the Spirit] for good and profit." (1 Corinthians 12:7 AMP) God is a businessman. In the parable of the talents He is referred to as a shrewd businessman; and so everything He invests in is for the purpose of getting profits eventually, including you. Our theme scripture tells us that everything He has given us by His Spirit is so that we may profit in ways and things to Him. And Jesus explained this best via one of His parables. He said a certain nobleman gave certain gifts to his servants upon travelling with the instruction to occupy till he returned. However, when he came back, the Bible says he called his servants that he might know how much every man had gained by trading (Luke 19:15). And it is still the same today. God has given us gifts to help our communities, and He will require of us what we have done with that. There

Follow God's Plan

 DAILY VITAMIN - Follow God's Plan "For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]." (Ephesians 2:10 AMP) A lot of people are frustrated because they are living a life which is piloted by themselves. But that isn't how we were created to live. As semi-independent beings, we were designed to live after God's guidance; it is where our peace lies. And the scripture says this way we experience His exquisite pleasures ( Psalm 16:11).  Isaiah said He keeps in perfect peace those whose hearts are stayed on Him (26:3). Those who follow after His plans for their lives. Those who live within the boundaries of His will. So if you notice that life is nothing other than a struggle for you, take invento

God Is Good, Trust Him

DAILY VITAMIN  - God Is Good, Trust Him  " the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success." (Proverbs 3:5-6 TLB)  Indeed, God is great.  Every time I read Noah's story, I wonder how he was able to build such a magnificent structure that could carry the weight of all the creatures in the world except the aquatics in pairs of sevens and twos. The creatures must have been innumerable, yet it housed them all perfectly.  But then we realize that it was God who gave Noah the schematics. God knew what He wanted, and He knew how to get it done. All Noah had to do was do "according to all that the LORD commanded him" (Genesis 7:5).  As long as he did that, all was fine. And it is the same with us. We have to trust God and everything will be fine. If we have lived long enough, we'd have realized that most times things don't go according to our plans, but th

I Am The Habitation Of God

  DAILY VITAMIN  - I Am The Habitation Of God "In whom ye also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit" (Ephesians 2:22) The Bible says the Lord is a strong tower we can run into and be sure of safety. Isn't that just amazing? How in God we can completely overcome all adversities? Then it goes ahead to tell us that we are marked with Christ (Gal 6:17), and how we are victors in God. Now how much more amazing would it be if I told you that there's more; that we don't have to head about looking for a strong tower to hide from the storms of life, or to riffle through every nook and cranny of the body looking for the mark of Christ because He dwells in you?  Glory to God! You are God's strong tower now. We are told that God inhabits us through His Spirit in our theme verse. And that's exciting, because it means your body isn't yours anymore. Your body is now God's body on the earth - His temple. He lives in and through us. So sic

Don't Doubt God

  DAILY VITAMIN  - Don't Doubt God "For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord" (James 1:7). A lot of us are the cause of our own retrogressions; not someone else, not God, and not even the devil. But ourselves. This trend began with the first man in the garden; how he fell from divinity to his present vulnerability, all of which came to be simply because he couldn't keep himself from doubt. He doubted God's Word and it plungedvhim an eternity behind his original purpose. And today we still find a lot of us making the same mistake.  In Mark 6, the Bible tells us Jesus went to his hometown of Nazareth across the Palestinian border, and despite their seeing His works, they still chose to doubt; and as a result we are told that Jesus couldn't do much there as he did elsewhere because of their unbelief (v. 2-6). In spite of the proofs He showed them, they chose to repel faith. The same happened in the days of Elisha. Regardless of his ab

Do Good Works

  DAILY VITAMIN  - Do Good Works "Seek good, and not evil, that you may live... " (Amos 5:14) God remembers our works. The scripture says He never forgets about them (Hebrew 6:10); for in them lies our reward (Rev 22:12). As I have always said, while God justifies the unsaved by their faith unto righteousness, He judges us the saved by our works. That's what His revelational letters to the churches show us. And this is because works are of faith and of love toward Him.  As Christians there is a standard we are meant to live by. A certain kind of lifestyle suited unto godliness we are called to walk in, and God desires that we comply with it. And this lifestyle breeds good works that are pleasing unto God.  The scripture says the law cannot justify (Gal 3:1) nor can it perfect anything (Hebrews 7:19),but not good works. They give us life in fullness. Everything good comes from them. Take for instance, obedience.  It is a work of faith, and as with Abraham, it still blesses

His Duty To You

  DAILY VITAMIN  - His Duty To You "They that trust in the LORD shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be removed, but abides forever." (Psalm 125:1) The Bible tells us in our theme verse that as many that trust in the LORD can be put to shame. Exactly what David himself had reiterated in Psalm 34:22. He said they shall never be confounded, and here continues by saying they shall never be moved, because they shall abide in the place and confidence of trust forever. And he tells us why here: he says because God surrounds them to make sure of it. He said God will not leave them to go on into paths that are evil out of desperation, and so soon He will save them (v. 2-3). Exactly what Jesus taught in His parable. The widow went to the judge to seek respite from her oppressors, and Jesus said much more God will do it quickly for those who trust Him enough to depend on Him (Luke 18:1-8). In other words, when you ask a thing of God in His will, it may take sometime but He will do it. H

Your Help Is In His Name

  DAILY VITAMIN  - Your Help Is In His Name "Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth." (Psalm 124:8) A lame man approached two of the disciples just in front of the temple gate, asking them for help, specifically financial help. He couldn't dream of any other form they could offer him based on how they looked.  Gazing intently, one of them said "Silver or gold I have none, but what I have give I unto you. In the name of Jesus rise up and walk." Yanking him up, the man's ankles received strength and he began leaping joining them into the temple (Acts 3:2-9). We see another scenario in the life of David. The giant came against him with all military arsenals, but he said he was going to contend with the giant in the name of the Lord d(1 Sam 17:45), and at the end we find that he slew the giant with a single strike.  The word says "As many as call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Roman's 10:17), but that goes beyond

Imbibing A Child's Nature In Christ

DAILY VITAMIN  - Imbibing A Child's Nature In Christ "And said, verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3) In the scripture above we find Jesus encouraging His disciples to become as children. The scripture says He took a child and set him in the midst of them, telling them to emulate him. Now Jesus wasn't emphatically telling them to emulate the child's own behavior. No! He wasn't. He was telling them to emulate a child's nature. And what's this nature of a child?  If you've been around kids long enough, you'd have learned that there's no such thing as pride with them. You might scold them today, but tomorrow they are either playing with or requesting something of you again. They forget evil so easily and humble themselves just as much.  And Jesus admonished, "Whosoever shall humble themselves as this little child, the same is the greates

God Always Makes A Way

  DAILY VITAMIN  - God Always Makes A Way " Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: Is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27) Indeed there is truly nothing God can't do, and no opposition He can't overcome. And if He can do that, with Him we also can. That means there is nothing God would have you do that can't be done. No dream He's placed in your heart that can't be fulfilled.  See it this way. God told Israel they'd be sent out from Egypt at a specific time and even though the enemy tried hard to upend it, it still happened; because God never fails, He always finds a way, and where there isn't He makes one.  A lot of you may be scared that with the aggression the devil is coming at you, he can impede all the beautiful promises God has given you. But guess what? He doesn't stand a chance, at least not with God by your side. And we have this unhealthy fear most times because we misconstrue what is really meant in most parts of

The Resurrection Power At Work In You

 DAILY VITAMIN  - The Resurrection Power At Work In You " Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath and spirit to enter you, and you shall live" (Ezekiel 37:5) Everything God does is so that we might realize that indeed there is none like Him. And there is absolutely nothing that is impossible for Him. In our theme verse, we see Him commanding Ezekiel to speak life to some dry bones. However the mystery here isn't that Ezekiel had the power to, but that God was going to work through to make it happen.  Isn't that what He said He does in us? (Colossians 1:29). He works in and through us to do the impossible. Verse 5 of the opening scripture says that He will put sinew upon the dead bones, and skin to dress them in human flesh again and breath to cause them to live.  Now consider this: If God can raise a completely dead specimen into living beings, how much more will He do for the living? If He could do that, why can't He do the same for you