There's Light In You


- There's Light In You

"In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (John 1:4-5)

What our theme scripture truly depicts is that the day you received Christ, the light of God entered into your life; the same light that the Bible termed unapproachable; and by it all the darkness around you has been overcome. Glory to God! Can you believe that? The light of God that chases away the darkness wherever He appears is now actively resident in you.

Little wonder, the Spirit speaking through David says that as soon as the enemy sets his eyes on you, he flees (Psalm 18:44-45). Darkness can't compete with the light. Hence, in line with God's Word, wherever you appear, devils are suppose to depart. The Bible never told us we have to leave a place out of fear of the devil. Even Jesus never vacated a place because of the devil. He claimed ownership; and we can do the same through His Name. He said wherever we set our feet upon we have dominion over (Josh 1:5). So don't be afraid. The light of God in you is greater than any darkness. Hallelujah!!!


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