You Can Do Anything If You Believe


You Can Do Anything If You Believe

"... If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9:23)

A great ad I love so much ends with the words Impossible is Nothing. At first, it seems too good to be true, but once you realize the capacity you hold within yourself, you'd understand that it isn't. All human beings carry potential power - power resident in us that exceeds what others can depict from our appearance, but only those who believe enough to maximize it into usage break barriers. And what God says about you is that you can do whatever you believe you can.

When a sick man came to Jesus in need of healing, He told the man that the power he needs to be whole again laid within his own heart. He said As you believe, so shall it be unto you (Matt 9:29). So, in essence, you determine the outcome of your life by what you choose to accept into your heart.

If you choose to believe there's nothing you can't do, your mind accepts that possibility and works itself to unveil that potential. And the reverse is also true. Hence, believe me when I say that you have no limits except the ones you give yourself. When God made you, He breathed His own personal energy into you. The energy that can create and recreate all things. The energy that is unlimited. And that's the exact energy resident in you. God's energy.

It's at work in you; and it is the proof that you can do anything you believe you can. Thus, do you believe you can ace that test, or get that job, or gain that promotion? If yes, then you can. Because God will not only blow His wind of favour in your direction as a reward for your faith, but He will also reignite the dormant capacity that lies within you that was made in His semblance. The very capacity that makes us gods. And faith is how you unlock it-- Faith in God, and importantly faith in all He says you are. So go ahead: believe.


I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; for He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. Because there is nothing impossible for Him, nothing shall be impossible for me as well.


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