Imbibing A Child's Nature In Christ


- Imbibing A Child's Nature In Christ

"And said, verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3)

In the scripture above we find Jesus encouraging His disciples to become as children. The scripture says He took a child and set him in the midst of them, telling them to emulate him. Now Jesus wasn't emphatically telling them to emulate the child's own behavior. No! He wasn't. He was telling them to emulate a child's nature. And what's this nature of a child? 

If you've been around kids long enough, you'd have learned that there's no such thing as pride with them. You might scold them today, but tomorrow they are either playing with or requesting something of you again. They forget evil so easily and humble themselves just as much. 

And Jesus admonished, "Whosoever shall humble themselves as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (v. 4). 

Another thing about children is their ease in believing. They trust without reason and believe without reservation, and that's what God expects of us too. He wants us to have faith in Him as a little child and toward His promises as a child would - without fail and in eager expectation, knowing that He never fails nor disappoints. Hence, go ahead and lean on Jesus today as a little child would, trusting and believing Him, knowing that as many as seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing (Psalms 34:10).


God I thank you because no one who trusts, relies, believes and depends on you has ever been put to shame. This is my conviction also; that as I have chosen to humble myself to seek you and serve you always I will need be put to shame. Amen. 


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