His Duty To You



- His Duty To You

"They that trust in the LORD shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be removed, but abides forever." (Psalm 125:1)

The Bible tells us in our theme verse that as many that trust in the LORD can be put to shame. Exactly what David himself had reiterated in Psalm 34:22. He said they shall never be confounded, and here continues by saying they shall never be moved, because they shall abide in the place and confidence of trust forever.

And he tells us why here: he says because God surrounds them to make sure of it. He said God will not leave them to go on into paths that are evil out of desperation, and so soon He will save them (v. 2-3).

Exactly what Jesus taught in His parable. The widow went to the judge to seek respite from her oppressors, and Jesus said much more God will do it quickly for those who trust Him enough to depend on Him (Luke 18:1-8). In other words, when you ask a thing of God in His will, it may take sometime but He will do it. He won't let its absence cause you to lose your faith. He will help you. Remember Numbers 23:19.He promised it right? Then trust Him, He will do it. He said so. 


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