There Is Nothing Too Hard For Him


- There Is Nothing Too Hard For Him

"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind; is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27 TLB)

A lot of people have nothing else but hope. Everything they once had banked on failed, and now live hanging on a thread of hope that the promise of God regarding the restoration of their joy shall come to be. However, though they believe, but with the way things look, it is beginning to seem far from happening; at least in their minds, and so they worry and worry hard. That may be you right now, wondering if your life will ever be better than this; it's been me before so I can understand what you are going through. 

Nonetheless, I also know that God can do anything and everything - even help you. He said He is the God of all flesh, and then asks if anything can ever be too difficult for Him to perform. And in case you don't know the answer to that, listen to what Jesus said. He said "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God" ( Luke 18:27). So there is nothing too hard for Him to do. 

This should excite you. It is the proof that your hope is not in vain in the Lord after all; that all is not lost yet. It is the proof that He will help you. You might be passing through a tough time, and thus judge by appearances like Hezekiah saying "God has brought to the birth but will not deliver" (Isaiah 37:3). That's like saying "Yeah He gave me promises but I can't see Him fulfilling them with everything I've been experiencing so far", but listen to what God has to say; " Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth" (Isaiah 66:9). He is simply saying that what you assumed could not happen anymore to your benefit will be enforced to happen even right now. God said "Don't be afraid, I will help you" (Isaiah 41:13). Let that sink into your heart this day.

People may have written you off, but God hasn't, and that's all that matters. God is just getting started with you, and there's no situation too big to impede it. He tells us that even the great mountains set against us shall be made plain before us because of His grace at work in us (Zech 4:7). So cheer up. It is not over for you. God will cause His face to shine upon you, and any ailment or condition that may have stolen your peace and joy before now shall cease to be in Jesus' Name. Amen


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