Do Good Works



- Do Good Works

"Seek good, and not evil, that you may live... " (Amos 5:14)

God remembers our works. The scripture says He never forgets about them (Hebrew 6:10); for in them lies our reward (Rev 22:12). As I have always said, while God justifies the unsaved by their faith unto righteousness, He judges us the saved by our works. That's what His revelational letters to the churches show us. And this is because works are of faith and of love toward Him. 

As Christians there is a standard we are meant to live by. A certain kind of lifestyle suited unto godliness we are called to walk in, and God desires that we comply with it. And this lifestyle breeds good works that are pleasing unto God. 

The scripture says the law cannot justify (Gal 3:1) nor can it perfect anything (Hebrews 7:19),but not good works. They give us life in fullness. Everything good comes from them. Take for instance, obedience. 

It is a work of faith, and as with Abraham, it still blesses lives before God today. Thus, we are charged to continue in them, and in due time we shall reap harvests of joy (Gal 6:9).


Dear Jesus, I thank you because through you I can do all things. I walk in godliness, and live in the way that pleases you; not just today but every day of my life. Amen. 


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