I Am The Habitation Of God



- I Am The Habitation Of God

"In whom ye also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit" (Ephesians 2:22)

The Bible says the Lord is a strong tower we can run into and be sure of safety. Isn't that just amazing? How in God we can completely overcome all adversities? Then it goes ahead to tell us that we are marked with Christ (Gal 6:17), and how we are victors in God. Now how much more amazing would it be if I told you that there's more; that we don't have to head about looking for a strong tower to hide from the storms of life, or to riffle through every nook and cranny of the body looking for the mark of Christ because He dwells in you? 

Glory to God! You are God's strong tower now. We are told that God inhabits us through His Spirit in our theme verse. And that's exciting, because it means your body isn't yours anymore. Your body is now God's body on the earth - His temple. He lives in and through us. So sickness can't win over you, weakness can't. God is in full control of that body of yours. Its strength is His strength; that's why He says we can never be ill again (Isaiah 33:24). Why?  Because He's in charge. Now go ahead and say it: I AM THE HABITATION OF GOD. MY BODY IS HIS BODY. MY STRENGTH IS HIS STRENGTH. Hallelujah! 


God, I thank you because you live in and through me. I am your house, impregnable to the forces of evil. I'm always in health, strong and powerful, because you are in me. You are constantly working all things toward me for good. I thank you because the present challenge is no different. For with you I'm more than a conqueror. Hence, at the end of this, I shall come forth bigger, better and brighter in all ramifications, because I am the habitation of God, in Jesus Name. Amen. 


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